Tin VS glass, put to rest

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Rob LaMoy

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
OK, before anyone comes in here and sees the friendly dogfight and mistakes it for real emotion, OR before somebody goes too far, lets put it to rest. It was fun! But with recent events with Ben, and now me, I find myself having to worry about serious issues and kind of look to this site as a haven to come and relax and get energized by the support of our little disfunctional "family"! The bottom line is WHATEVER boat you can afford, that meets your needs, whether it's tin or glass, Nitro or Ranger, new or old......it's the right boat for you right now! I have fished from both and each have their attributes and flaws. If they ever make a 20' Avalanche and figure out how to make sparkles stick to it, AND give me a WARRANTY, I might just drive tin again. Who knows. Anyway, time to move on to other fun arguments like spinning or baitcasting?????? Hmmmmm which is best? OR SM or LM or spots, which has the most fight? And for those who followed our banter, it was all in fun, now personal harm was intended or received. Trep and Mo, and Rich are all great guys, a little dillusional at times but great members of the site. Those of us in the north have an entire winter to endure the effects of dat durn fever so lets not get started prematurely! LOL I NEED my sanity for ONE more month!
I knew the 'glass boys' would say uncle first...



Ok, OK let the record show that Rob, a die hard glass addict extended the olive branch and called a truce. I will abide by the majority. puf....puf....puf.... I'm lighting my peace pipe....

Hey TOX...

don't bogart that peace pipe!

pass it around!!!


Oh put Trep, don't think that in any way this excuses you from the nekked snow dance torture for those trailer trash remarks! Get ready to shovel my friend! Good thing you have a garage, it's where your boat will be stored until spring! LOL, now where's that pipe???????? Peace pipe make long winter not so bad!

C'mon over, ain't nuthin but a party........!!! Now let's see, do I wear the MC Hammer Sultan outfit or the MJ Leather jacket......Mac in his nauga, Rob in his pink silkies, and Neeley with that awful swarm......

MC TOXIC Jackson
But ask Andy and Marke about the outfit I had on Monday night!!!

Is was reeeeal purrrrty!

The "handles" were especially cool!

Thanks Ken, that not the mental image I needed today. How can I sell boats picturing you in that get up?

There you go guys....Anyone care to guess what Neeley dressed up in for Andy and I after a few beers on Monday night?
A hint...it involved handles, leather, spandex and pretty neon colors...
Man - I go away from my PC for less than 1 hour and look what happens!!!

OK TOXIC pass the pipe to Atlanta. By the way, I know i'll never find the picture but I did go as MJ in Highschool once, even had the natural JewFroo to boot!!

Rob - No harm no fowl!! (get it, fowl - you hunt birds!! LOL). If you're gonna do the dance do it now so I can stop mowing my lawn early this year. Usualy have to do it till February every other week. That cut's into fishing!

Andy - We'll be the quiet majority!!

Dang Neeley...

No bites on the outfit...

I figured TOX and Rob would be all over it (no pun intended)


Maybe after a couple more hits on the peace pipe, I can become disorientated enough to let the mental picture of that into my psyce without permanent damage.

I agree with Rob's statement. Any boat that is yours and floats is the best make, model and material!

As for Rob's nekked snow dance, Brother bring it on! I have two things to say. The river's in Pittsburgh rarely freeze and when they do, you all are welcome to bring a 5 gallon bucket and join me on the ice!

Rich D
I for one will never give in...LOL

Rob....surely not...but then you might just see me in a "fake" glass Avalanche...would really like a new 21' Tundra... I'd ever take it in Glitter!
Just some fun. You know that's all I have to look forward to in NH as the snow will be flying anytime now. Then it wonn't matter if it's Tin of Glass because the motor just doesn't work well when the water get hard.

I've owned both and they both have advantages. But once you've gone over to the Glass side you just can't go back.

The best way to discribe this is the debate between Beer in Beer cans or glass bottles. It's same argument. You know that beer is always better in glass and boats w/ sparkles are better because we all know that those bass love sparkles.

btw what's in the pipe?

I've stayed out of this one since I currently own tin but had glass for 12 years. I'll have to tell you, the Avalanche rides much better than my Ranger ever did. I've decided to take my tin can to a specialist and have a real painting done. Like a naked girl holding up a huge bass on each side. Lets see you do that with your sparkles.

Did Rob write that first post?

Rob, I came mighty darn close to writing exactly the same thing last night..... Don't know why I didn't..... Then thought about it and decided to write about how close things were coming to bashing tonight..... And here you've done gone and done it!

Two Thumbs Up, Rob!!!!!



Don't encourage him......and besides, it doesn't matter WHAT you say if the other person knows it is all in fun. I don't think anyone was even slightly annoyed. After all you should know, you can catch fish out of a canoe or a $35,000 piece of glass....the fish don't know the difference. The fact that we glass boys had to dig a little deeper into our pockets for the privelige of owning a sparkly rig doesn't mean squat.....sometimes the choice is simple in the glass vs tin arena but other times it's an option. In other words, "no harm, no foul". That's not to say you shouldn't remind us if we "children" are getting a little out of line. LOL

OK Neeley What was it? I can't come up with ANYTHING neon colored with handles....

oh, wait a minute.....could it be a Blaze Orange thong, with black netting to protect the "private" areas, and handles on the side so you can strap into the tree stand..... am I close?

I'm a skydiver....I modeled my neon green, black and white jumpsuit with my leather frap hat!!!
He Hunts, Fishes, Sells Boats and Fishing stuff AND Sky Dives!! So Mr. High Adventure - what do you NOT do???

You forgot a couple....

I'm a gourmet chef, handgun instructor, member of MENSA, oh yeah, I almost made the Olympic Drinking Team in 1986!!!
I won the gold medal in '92 or was it '94???? We ought to get together and swap stories!
Was on Lake Simcoe last week, 20 mph winds and Lake St. Clair today, 30 mph winds. Did not see any glass Nitros, Rangers, or any other type of glaass bass boats out there. I thionk most of those guys have put theirs up for the winter. I have a Tundra will keep fishing until the ice keeps me from launching. The Tundra lets me go out when ever I have the time regaurdless of the weather.