Time to vent-messed-up day (long message)

  • Thread starter Mikel Stephens [IMG]http://www.zjstech.net/~librar
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Mikel Stephens

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2003
Reaction score
Well, around midnight we were fishing..and, unusually, 5 hours of not a bite so we decided to call it an evening-come home.

Had hardly slept when I realized it was time to get up and go to work. On the way there I get bumped from behind by a lady that wasn't paying attention...after we realize no harm was done, (thanks to leaving my ball on my hitch) other than a nice hole in her bumper, we part ways only a little time lost.

Then I get to work and setup my dish and settle in for some football action, bbq and a little bit of beer which was ok until halftime when I go across campus and realize that my Yukon is not whre I left it. So I start wondering if the lady that bumped me was a lunatic and got pissed or something....no: just the manager at McDonalds forgot that I was the satellite guy and had my Yukon towed. EVEN THOUGH I LEFT SIGNS ON THE FRONT WINDOW, BACK WINDOW, AND DRIVERS AND PASSENGERS WINDOWS!!!(We have parking access at their lot for all home games arranged before the season-seems he forgot to honor) So the manager on duty calls him at home and he says "Sorry, I forgot...I'll take care of the charges"

So I get a ride and get to the impound lot where guess what: he hasn't taken care of the charges. So after paying the charges with a promise that If I drive back across town to his retaraunt, someone will re-imburse me the cash.

That taken care of I remember that I had my wheel turned all the way to the right when i parked...Sure enough-my front tires are scored to hell!!!

So I decide-I'll just take pictures right there (I did)and take it to the place where I bought my tires for an inspection to see if any permanent damage was done since I have two kids and my wife sometimes takes them on trips in the Yukon(the place had just closed)

Then I get home and find out that the Astros lost their playoff race and the Aggies got a mud-hole stomped in their tails after I left (they were winning at halftime)!!!

I'm off to bed, thanks for letting me vent!!!
Here's another tire...dangit! Hope they are ok...one of them has a small cut right in the center of a scuff mark.

The dingbat MAnager-on-duty had the nerve to tell me: "Dang, that was the only vehicle we've towed all day and they had one helluva time getting that Yukon outta there"
I wouldn't worry about he scuffs. They will clean up.

A little brillo pad and armour all. Keep your air pressure to spec and drive all day long.

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