This will spur new car sales??

  • Thread starter Michael Meier [URL]
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Michael Meier

Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
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Washington lawmakers are drafting a large economic stimulus package to help create jobs and rebuild infrastructure. They want to include a nationwide scrappage program which would give U.S. tax dollars to consumers who turn-in older cars to have them crushed, as a misguided attempt to spur new car sales. The lawmakers need to scrap this idea.

The stimulus package is being drafted right now. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) wants to introduce the bill on January 6 and have it approved by Congress by January 20, so that President Obama can sign it into law after he is inaugurated.

Contact House Speaker Nancy Pelosi IMMEDIATELY To Oppose Cash for Clunkers!

Call: 202-225-0100

Talking Points

Feel free to use any of the statements below as a starting point for your message to Speaker Pelosi.
there was some proposed legislation a few years back that, ultimately, would have rid the road of clunkers and junkers but ultimately was a serious threat to the classic cars and restorations. This is yet another unguided and uninformed proposal. I urge you all to voice your opposition.

Thanks Mike.
This is just a start....the REAL dumb ideas are to come:angry:
Didn't they learn anything from the credit crisis? Loans for people who do have good credit and decent savings are still darn hard to get, and our elected idiots want to encourage the average american to take ANOTHER loan for a car/truck right now? Where's the encouragement to SAVE for retirement??

Lets start by enacting the Fair Tax and kill the IRS, and rid ourselves of ANY Income Tax, that fixed the whole Tax Credits/Earned Income Credits... and does it for everyone...

Then lets see our Elected Federal officials take a PAY CUT or at a minimum vote to NOT raise their salaries annually for "cost of living" raises (anyone in the real world knows there is no such THING in the private sector as "cost of living" raises.

OH, back to my coffee!! LOL

I guess I would have to see the number of "spare" parts actually required compared against the number of junk machines out there. The junkyards are littered with junkers that nobody needs or, if needed, are not in the right place. If one guy is restoring a Gremlin, why do we need 1000 sitting in a juckyard somewhere?

Agree that increased credit balances aren't necessarily to everyone's advantage, but I suspect that the program is really targetted at keeping the factories humming through increased sales.

Come on now, no COLA's in the private sector? That's a bit of a stretch. Union's invented those babies! Well, maybe they aren't the inventors, but they take advantage of them.

Complex issue where any proposed solution is going to have implications and consequences.
Marty - OK good point, let me rephrase - anyone in the real world, who does not work for a Union, knows there is no such THING in the private sector as "cost of living" raises :)

SEMA (association of manufacturers of parts for restorations and hot rods,etc) is also opposed to this legislation. and, to think about it, elimination of "junkers" would seem to be in their favor as it probably eliminates the biggest competition for their aftermarket parts: original equipment! Granted, if no clunkers around to fix up, their aftermarket parts dont have a "market" I guess.

Perhaps there is another underlying influence here, like some lobbyists from the steel industry or something.. who knows.

You cant fix stupid. (but it should be made painful!)

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