This one went almost eight pounds

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Mark Hofman

Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2001
Reaction score

We have a boy! Matthew, middle name Anton. Seven pounds fourteen ounces, twenty-two inches long. Mom started labor on Friday night, Matt(hew) came into the world at 5:02 p.m. tonght. Thank God for epidurals.

We're all very exhausted, but he's a keeper.


Pass on my family's best wishes to you and your wife...
Way to go MO (and Mamma MOFish too)!!!!! He's BEE-YOO-TEE-FUL!!!! God Bless You All!!!! :D
Much appreciation for the kind words, fellas.

He ran a 62-hour marathon to get here, and at the end got stuck 'sunny side up'. Had the biggest conehead you'll ever see. Then his white blood cell count shot up and had to into the special care nursery (NICU), getting IV antibiotics through a line into his head. He's doing better now. Best case is we go home tomorrow as a family; worst is that he has to stay eight more days for a full round of antibiotics.

Mom's doing really well and is such a trooper. Avoided a c-section by about 60 seconds. Here is a better picture of the boy than the one above:

Awww, look at him holding onto to your finger. I bet you're a proud PaPa Mo?:) Congratulations to you and Mom on a beautiful little boy.:wub:

And Mo, trust me.. I've been way more than grateful for epidurals ever since my last spinal surgery went bad..:angry:

Uncle Billy

Hope that things have leveled off for you all and that you are home.

Excellent! Hello, Matthew! Congrats to the whole family!
We ended up staying one extra day. Matthew is on a biliblanket for jaundice, but is doing much better. Physically he is very strong (arms & legs), and has almost grown back to his birthweight. Can't tell yet if he'll prefer a casting or a spinning set up.

My boat has so much dust on it from lack of use, it isn't even funny.
VERY CUTE!! Jaundice is common....their little livers need a jump start sometimes. Both of my kids had it,...lasted a few days and all was well! :wub: