Things you should know about Dayton....

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
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Thought this might come in handy for any travelers comin' thru:lol:

Visitor's Guide to Dayton, Ohio

1. You must learn to correctly pronounce the city name. It is Date ---uhn, "O-hi-o"

2. Forget the traffic rules you learned elsewhere. Dayton has its own version of traffic rules - the truck with the loudest exhaust goes next at a 4-way stop. The truck with the biggest tires goes after that.

The exception to the above is that blue haired ladies driving anything have the right of way anytime.

3. To find anything in Dayton, it is required that you know where the old Rikes, Rike's Kettering, and Mayor's Jewelers buildings were.

4. The morning rush hour is from 5:00am to 10:00 am. The evening rush hour is from 3:00 to 7:00pm. Friday's rush hour starts Thursday morning.

5. If you actually stop at a yellow light, you will be rear ended, cussed out and possibly shot.

6. You must know that Woodman Drive, Harshman Road, and Wright Brothers Parkway are the same road.

7. Construction is a permanent fixture in Dayton. The orange barrels are moved around in the middle of the night to make the next days' driving a bit more exciting.

8. Watch carefully for road hazards such as deer, skunks, dogs, barrels, cones, cows, horses, pot holes, cats, pieces of other cars, opossum, truck tires, raccoons, squirrels, rabbits, and crows or vultures

feeding on any of these items. Be careful of individuals scouring these items for possible usage as the main entr
Being from Cincinnati (50 miles south), I find that hilarious!

I'm just wondering when we can stop the Dayton residents from traveling here (except to come to BPS)?

Sounds just like I465 around Indy, only slower. I think most whole live there and attend those events held at 16th and Georgetown Road must go there to STUDY instead of "spectate"