Things Not To Do With Broken Ribs

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Scott Smith

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2002
Reaction score
1) Launch your boat by yourself....30 minutes of pain...!!

2) Drive the boat in any type of chop on St Clair....momentary pain, then I idled everywhere.

3) Deploy and Stow trolling motor...intense drop to your knees pain...!!

4) Setting the hook with a little too much vigor...intense, drop your rod on the deck pain...!!

(I've managed to come up with a pain free way to do this though, a side sweeping motion

is virtually painless)

5) Lean over the gunwhale to land a fish or using a landing net...either method

produces "Please spit the hook pain." For now I've adopted the pro style flip em in the

boat method, and am hoping I don't run across the occasional muskie or large pike.

6) Retrieve your boat by yourself...pain so horrible when trying to whinch up my boat, I finally

resorted to power loading, which is illegal in Michigan..

7) Cut your lawn on your riding tractor...every bump produced a very unusual high pitched

yelp that I would have thought impossible to produce prior to this debacle.

So there you have day in a nutshell...I managed to get on the water very very early this morning, due to the fact..IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO SLEEP WITH BUSTED RIBS..!!!

I did catch a few smallies...which allowed me to grit my teeth and smile through most of the pain..When I needed to, I sat down and took a was actually quite peaceful drifting around and doing absolutely nothing.

I passed my first test (and most important), I can still fish...with some pain here and there...but it beats sittin home on the couch, eating cheetos and watching daytime T.V.
I know your pain! Use another pillow at night and pull it against the side of your ribcage that has the broken ribs. It helps, particularly when you have to cough! Last year I broke three when I was "attempting" to land a 7+ LM and stepped down from the front deck to the console area and tripped. Hit my ribs against the grab bar on the console. Fish was gone and I laid in the bottom of the boat for a good thirty minutes before I could even move. Pain meds help too!
Ken - They are like Lay's Potato Chips - You can't eat just one! LOL Plus your fingers turn orange!
Don't over do it dude or you will be sorry!

Been there ,done it .......never again:eek:

Hernias too:huh: