They got me!!!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2000
Reaction score
Underwood Iowa
I just got a call from external security on my Cabela's Visa card. Someone got my card number. and went on a shopping spree in London. Then wired a bunch of money through Western Union. @#$%^ Bas#@rds.

Called Cablea's Internal security and they said I'd have to fill out this form indicating the fradulent charges. I won't be charged for any of the items but!D DON'T THINK IT CAN'T HAPPEN TO YOU.

This is someone who only uses his card at Cabelas. BPS and Midway usa period. I guard the stupid thing like it's made of gold but they still got me. Talk about pissed.

Fatrap, how did they get it? Do you know? You may want to call the TRW & other Credit agencies to put a fraud alert on your SS#. If you put the fraud alert it's good for a couple months, it's free and nobody can extend credit to you without special instructions that only you will know. It also notifies your Credit Card Carriers that your information may have been compromised.

Do you still have the email Harpo sent out to everybody on how to go about doing the fraud alert?


No I don't. What do I do. Man, to quote the TV. do I feel violated. I have no idea how they got it but Midway USA, a gun place I use often said they've had several customers that had Cabelas CArds call blaming them of a leak in their security. Midway says the card numbers are automaticaly deleted after each order now since a hiest of card info was swiped lately.



Man that sucks, sorry to hear about it, maybe they just got your card# & exp. Date.

The Fraud Alert is good and does not impact your Credit Score but it does become a little bit of a pain if you are planning any credit apps in the near future. So maybe that's just me with a knee-jerk reaction, LOL. Anyway, I don't have the info in front of me, and my email was destroyed the other day. Somebody from SCU hacked my home PC:unsure:.

Shoot Harpo an Email or maybe he's looking, I know a lot of members got that email from him. I hate to get your heart rate up, but also don't want to see more damage. Anybody still have that email?

The obvious - when you call, be on a land line, have writing materials in front of you ready to go.

#2. and this everbody should do.

Call all your CC companies and change the old way of Maiden Name questions.

Tell them you want the most up to date data sequences to validate/modify your account info. AND ESPECIALLY your billing address. The billing address is one of the worst ways they get you, becuase the bill and New Card is never seen by you.

Oh Man, I almost forgot, when you call push 1 to continue in English or push 2 for espanol.

Just Kidding, of course. :cool:
Now that's funny right there, I don't care who you are!!!:lol:
Someone got me back in February this year. And the worst part is they got my Bass Pro Shops MBNA Card. Called MBNA, filled the little form and POOF the credits started pouring in. Then In march, same thing. You'd have thought they would've automatically cancelled the card number, but they didnt. Called them again. They took off $1,100 worth of fraudulent charges with out hesitation. THEN issued me a new card/number, no problems since !!!
Bummer Fatrap,

My sister got nailed last year,and my brother got it this year when his house was robbed.

Luckily,nobody wants to be me.:rolleyes:

Here's a site I found awhile back where the guy tries to see just how far he can push when he signs for a credit card purchase.It's sickening what he gets away without anybody checking his signature.

No wonder C.C. fruad is out of control.
Thanks again guys. I only have the one card and I got a call from Midway USA saying they checked their end and the security is sound. Other than Cabelas I don't use it for anything else.

My wife and I both got hit on our debit cards this year. Someone used the numbers to buy software off the internet. Lucky that is all they did. I noticed it on the checking statement otherwise we may have not knew it for a while.

So are we going to see you on TV doing one of those commercials were someone elses voice comes out of your mouth?
I can fix this so none of you will ever have the problem.

But first you must send me your credit card numbers and then...
Identity theft is not just limited to credit cards. Back in the olden days when I sold cars, I was working a big Ford store were a character bought a car using someone elses SS# and address. That was all he needed. Not a very smart crook however because for one thing he bought a used car. I guess he figured it would be easier or maybe it was because it was a Caddy, I don't know. Anyway there were a couple of things wrong with the car, so the fool called the saleman wanting the stuff fixed. At first the sales manager said no the car was sold as is but then changed his mind and told the salesman to call him back. When the salesman called the phone number that was in the phone book a lady answered and told the salesman that the person he was calling was her husband and he was in Iceland on TDY, had been for several months. The salesman confirmed that it was the right guy and that he was a white guy in his 40's and not a black guy in his 20's. The salesman had the thief's cell phone number so he called that and told him that they would go ahead and fix the car and to bring it on in. He did, and they sat him down in the service dept. waiting area and called the police. When they walked him out in handcuffs I was working with some customers at one of the closing tables on the showroom. I told them that the guy had tried to leave without buying a car;). They almost believed me for a second.:lol: The rest of the story is the thief had worked at some appliance store or something were the folks had made a purchase on credit and filled out a credit app, the thief just simply kept the important information.
