The old Marine returns

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bob wateski2

Dec 19, 2003
Reaction score
How do to all of you and Merry Christmas. It has been a long time since I have posted to you all and I am sorry. It has been a very busy year. I have had a few problems because of my back that has now gotten me at a 70% disability rating with the VA. This has slowed me up a little but I am still fishing whenvery I can. I have opened another business. Field of Dreams British Motorcycles. Repairing and restoring old bikes. I am trying to get this going so I can close up the floor business. Too hard on the old back. My tracker boat still is sitting at the dealer since Dec. 2002. They are still trying to get tracker to honor the warranty. Nothing new there. Some day I may have a boat back. I had a great time with all of you that were able to make it to lake fork for the fishing trip and I am hoping that I may get back there this coming spring. If I end up getting it set I will put the word out for anyone interested in showning up again. You won't get a chance for better tasting fish. God bless our Service men and women and give them victory in all their battles and protect them so they may come home. Semper Fi
Hi Bob...

I was wondering what the status of your boat was...

Next item, we have a small business here in Elgin, Il that restores Triumphs (and probably other old British bikes...),

Schuchert Motor Sales

Address: 1050 Larkin Ave, Elgin, IL 60123

Phone: (847) 695-8250

Thanks, Bob!

First street bike I ever rode was an old Triumph back around 1971.

Happy Holidays to you, Sir!

Hi Bob! Been wondering where you've been. Sorry to hear about the back problem. A few of us have been kicking around the Lake Fork get-together again. I'm looking forward to wrapping a lip around some more of that Walleye you cooked. We'll have a few months to work out the details.

Semper Fi......

Count me in for Fork.... Hope we can all get together again.... make sure you bring some walleye!!!!

Happy Holidays.

Welcome back Bob!!!! Hope that the back gets better for you!!!

Happy Holidays to you and yours also.

Semper FI

As a newbe to the site and an intrested first time new boat buyer what is the problem with your Tracker that would take a year for the manufacture to accept responability for the defect ?
The main problem with my boat was a hook in the hull. The rear transom plate was made too wide and the weld on the bottom of the hull is up so there is a hook all along the bottom. As you all know, tracker has never and will never make a mistake when they make a boat. They could not make anything that was wrong. The easest way to avoid a warranty problem is to blame the customer. Their excuse was impact damage. I hit something. The only problem is that there are no marks on the boat or the motor. An insurance adjuster checked the boat and his letter stated that the only problem was manufactoring. The dealer has stated to tracker that there was no sign of damage and after it was at the factory for 4 months and they said it was fixed and the mech. test rode it and said they did nothing to fix the problem the boat now filled up with water because they broke something but they won't even own up to that. My advice is to look at a boat that the warranty is just not a piece of paper. You have to have an honost company to stand behind it. After tracker got the letter from my adjuster they did change their tune. They now blamed the dealer. They probley dropped it when they took it off the truck. You know, not trackers problem. Semper Fi