The Lord called a Great Fisherman home today

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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2005
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My friend, Jack Hildenbrandt, was called to our Lords home this evening at 5:00pm. I will miss him dearly. I hope he finds plenty of lunkers up there in the Lords Lakes.

All the best,

Sorry to hear that Glenn.

All the great ones are fishing what the Lord calls "Lunker Lake" where every cast gets a 10 pounder;)
My condolences Glenn. I am sure the Lord needed a partner for this weekends TX
I had to bury a friend of mine y'day...we grew up together in the 70's.......last time I saw him was at his wedding reception 20yrs ago this month!! He moved to Arizona shortly after he got married and I hadn't seen him since!! He and his wife took a cruise to Alaska for their 20th anniversary.....they got home Sunday the 15th. Monday morning the 16th he woke up "not feeling well"....he was dead by noon that day!! :( Yesterday, in his casket, was the first time I had seen him in 20yrs!! He was only 48!:blink::huh:

Make it a point to keep in contact with old friends,....I wish I had done a better job of that YESTERDAY!!! just NEVER know when your time is up and if there's one emotion I HATE dealing with as a human being,'s GUILT!! If you love somebody,..tellem,.....if you miss someone., them, and share a few laughs. Like the song says,..."You don't know what you've got 'till it's gone"...........and yesterday was one of the worst days of my life!!! I wished I had called him more often....just to say hey......we take WAAYYY to much for granted and it bit me in the ass HARD yesterday!! :(:eek: I will not let that happen again!!

Yeah,...congestive heart failure.....he was a helluva athlete in HS too.....played football and ran track......graduated from the U of M with honors in Nuclear Engineering......worked for Arizona Light & Power. Waaaayyyy to young to die!!
My condolences to you Glenn, and Mac, to you too......... wow, these posts are a wake up call for me....I've got some phone calls to make, and letters to write....... sorry to hear about both of your losses..... Mike
My prayers go out to each of their families. That reemphasizes the need to keep the Lord and friends in our lives.
Condolances to you both, and to the families of your friends.
I feel so bad for his wife. The loss to her, of course, is greatest. Our loss in the bass club of a friend affects us all, as we all will miss Jack, but I know it cannot compare to the loss to his wife.

All the best,

Sorry to hear about your loss. Mac, I can relate to guilt. My step dad died in March and I am still bent out of shape that I didn't take him fishing last time he was here. I was too busy b!tching about something unimportant when I should have got off my rump and taken him fishing.
Darn Glenn, I'm so sorry to hear that.. I will say a prayer and send best wishes to Jack's family, and you too..

Mac, I'm so sorry for you and your friend too. Your advice about keeping in touch is as on the head as can be. I know of three old time friends that I grew up with and didn't lose track of but just didn't make much of an effort to see them. All three of those friends are now dead. And after each funeral I think a little bit of my heart went with them. You know guys, a phone call now and again wouldn't hurt anything and just might help them, and you too..

Uncle Billy

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