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Bryan Fary

Well-Known Member
May 5, 2003
Reaction score
Just got back home from meeting Steve Hutson in Asheville, NC buying his PT185. What an awesome boat it is and Steve is equally a super guy! Once we got through to the thick headed people at my bank to verify the funds, everything was smooth sailing. Made it back home safely and hope Steve did as well. Give me awhile to get some pictures, but I can tell you this boat looks like it did the day it left the showroom floor. I couldn't be happier.

The extra storage compartment that Steve built to make the front deck massive is awesome. Tracker should incorporate that into their boats at the factory. I will put a couple of pictures that Steve took in my member library. Once I get caught up at work and after duck season, I will get some new pictures posted.

Congats...the happiest day for both you and Steve. :D (old boat owners joke)

Make sure to post some good pics of the front deck and added storage.There are a few here that have been thinking of doing that project,me included.

Bryan - Great deal!! And Dean got a 175 with a 60 Merc, everyone's happy - Now Go FiSHING!!!
There is a picture of the front deck in my Library. Steve will have to give the details of how he built it. All I know is he did an excellent job and it makes the front deck large enough for two people easily.

Hey guys, Bryan is also one stand up guy! This could not have gone any smoother, well other than the pin head. It's amazing how Bryan has this way of making his bankers understand things.

I made it back to Knoxville safely. Know I'm boat shopping although I think I'm going to get a G3 Gator Tough tunnel jet or a tunnel prop. Just have to make the deal work.

Can I still hang here if I get a G3/ Yamaha package. I'll cry if you say no.

Dear Sir: This is a Merc owners only club no yamaha's OOOPPPPPsss

wrong site. Sorry. Carry on.. back to your regular sheduled program.'

Congratulations! Doesn't it feel great to have a new boat? I am glad you and Steve were able to work something out.
This is my 4th boat in 5 years of boating. Everytime I buy a new/used boat, I say this is my LAST one.....that was 3 boats ago. If you are like me, everything I own is ALWAYS for sale. Make me an offer, and it could be yours.

But you are right Dean, it is a good feeling to have another one in the stable. What's the old saying.........

"The two happiest days of a boat owner are the day he buys it and the day he sells it!"

After the last day of (UNsuccessful) :( duck hunting (for me), tomorrow will be dedicated to registering my new boat here in NC as well as getting a license plate for the trailer. I don't know how your states' are as far as registration, but NC STINKS! Always changing the rules....etc.

Wish me luck!
