The Competitive Edge Dilema

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Teri C.

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
Ok, I have too much time on my hands to even be writing this but I am waiting for my program results to return.

When fishing, most people don't share their spots and exactly what they used to catch fish, especially tournament fisherman. It does provide a competitive edge to them once they figure out those hot spots. They spend alot of time prefishing and determining the perfect plan for success.

Well, today I was kind of applying the fishing "edge" to the workplace regarding the technical edge I might have with all the outsourcing going on today. I thought I would throw these thoughts out here.

I've worked about 2 days on figuring something out that no one really knew how to do. In Information Technology, I find alot of people, especially consultants, will tell you "that's not possible" if they don't know how to do something. I often find if I spend the time I can usually figure out how to make something happen. So, I put all this work into solving a problem and came up with a solution that's pretty simple to implement once you know how. So here was my dilema....

Do you share the solution with everyone to make it easier for them and in turn the more you share the less competitive "edge" you have in the workplace OR do you let them figure it out for themselves or let them continue to think something is not possible; therefore, making you more valuable because you always seem to make things work?

What would you do in that situation??

Now, I didn't really think about this until after I took action but I did question myself after. For those who want to know, I wrote up detailed instructions and screen shots and sent it out to my team and the SAP consultants. I will also share all my fishing spots with anyone who will listen. :)
Teri - Different question and then i'll give you my take on your edge!! LOL Does your 185 Sport have just the one 11 gallon livewell in the rear deck?

The first thing I think of in a situation like yours is "is this something that my company can become more profitable and competitive with/using?" In IBM and other IT companies i've worked for (both software/consulting and inhouse shops) they offer technical awards and recognition. So that is one way to "show off" your technical abilities and specific solution and THEN it can be shared after you get credit. If you are in a consulting/SW company that competes, then its even more important to get credit and share with your team so THEY can be more productive in their clients.

now, if you're talking about an inhouse shop and do you share this with your peers, so they too can reap the benefits, its the right thing to do. BUT, you also don't want to continue to do this if you do NOT get credit against your performance objectives and reviews. In my team we implemented a bi-weekly project management meeting where we all share our progress and ideas/improvements. That way I get to see who on my team (i'm the mgr) is stepping up and solving the problems creatively (and I give them awards, trips, conferences...) and then the rest of the team can prosper too. It also creates a kind of competitive environmement (productive not destructive) where everyone wants to show their stuff!!!

Like Trep said, your particular work environment will determine what is best for you but assuming it is a team environment where you can be rewarded definitly share it. Put all such E-mails you create in a folder for review time. Then you have a strong documented case to show how you impacted your teams success by being a leader. One of the great things about E-mail is everything is documented...for better or worse. As a Supervisor I also keep these E-mails in a folder for each employee so I too can remember it come review time.

The people on my team who help others to do a better job are more valuable than the those who have the knowledge but lack the leadership and foresight to help the team as a whole improve.

Your example of a Tourney fisherman is good but that is an individual sport and MOST corporate environments are teams so the rules are a bit different.

Good points guys. I believe in sharing but that's just me. I find that most of the people I've worked with in the past don't share unless you ask and then they only share what they "have" to. I figure as long as I can keep solving issues, I will always have a job somewhere. Just crossed my mind today that I might be sharing too much or maybe I shouldn't. Just thoughts.

Trep, my 185 has 2 livewells. One across the back and a smaller one in the front. Not sure how many gallons they are. I never used them until I fished tournaments this year and I had no problems keeping my heavy bags alive. Are you day dreamin' about the Banana Boat? :)

For what it's worth, I would share it. One way or another word gets out that you can get the job done.

Rich D
Teri take the high road and share. It is indicitave of the type of attitude and employee who will advance. As an old boss of mine used to say,

"In a room where all stand tall, one will always stand taller".

Well now Tox...That depends:)

Depends on whether or not they're gonna' stab me in the back!LOL

Been there and had it done to me! So let's just say ," I'm more careful now about disclosing certain types of info":)
Teri - My wife saw a Q4 sf banana boat at BPS last fall, and LOVED it!!! IF I get a new boat next year (used of course) i'd prefer a fish and ski to a Ski and Fish, so mmmm, a banana boat 185 might swing her!!! LOL Of course what I'd REALY like is your boat, bob's 150, and the new Galvashield trailer!!

I'm fairly in-line with Trep on this. I almost always share. I did some independent consulting/programming in Paradox back in the early 90's - before regular 'net' access. There was a large group that operated on a private network, and we shared all the time.

I routinely found and solved some problems that were inherent to different aspects of the application program, and also were inherent to computing in general.

I found that I was not only able to help others, but they were more than willing to share some of their in-depth problem solving with me.

If someone is 'marketing' against you, then I don't know that I'd be as forthcoming. Much like Trep said, if you are getting the appropriate credit/thanks, then go for it.

My point is that you can't live your life looking over your shoulder. The most important thing is that you do what is right. Rewards may not be immediate but they will come two fold at some point. Only the individual can determine that.

Teri - on the Q4 vs. the 185/188/189, yes you are right. I'm thinking ( assuming Beka is still interested in going in the summer with us) that the extra 1-2 people the Q4 can hold will mean another family with us instead of just the dad's taking the kids out tubing. And my idea (if I even replace the Tracker) is a deck extention in the Q4 and a foot control T-motor, the rear deck on the Q4 I/O is pretty big. and the higher sides/deeper hull would ride better with the kids on big lakes like Lanier. As i've mentioned i'd realy like a Tundra 18 Sport (don't make it)!! LOL
Trep - Would you get an inboard or outboard on the Q4? I think you have a choice if I remember right.

I have to admit I like the Tundra too. The next boat I buy will probably be bigger than 18ft since it won't fit in the garage anyway. I looked at the Tundra before I bought the 185 but decided against it because it wouldn't fit in the garage.
I think I remember they offered the Tundra 18 in a sport model one year, now its only the 20ft in a sport. And the 20 Sport (and the old 18 sport) they did NOT remove the front baitwell, so for bowriding/sitting it's not right.

Yes the Q4 has both I/O and OB. Beka wants an IO as she like the looks more, it has a larger sundeck and extended swim platform and she feels with the sterndrive UNDER the swimplatform there is less likely a kid will cut his foot on the prop. I like the OB as a number of folks has said there is more RISK in a closed cooling system during COLD weather. Though I think if i keep it in the garage as I do now, it never gets below 40 in there, and I don't fish when it's belew freezing. I also like the performace of the OB and idea in shallow water I can get it completely out of the water.

At this point, its all conjecture. I love the Tracker, and it does a fine job. If the kids aren't into water sports more this/next summer and Beka doesn't come out more often I may just repower my Tracker with a 75hp Merc. If not i'll start looking at used SF/FS boats in 2006.