Thanks to Pat Goff

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Texas Transplant

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2001
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX
Even though I haven't had anything that I needed Pat's assistance on recently, I just wanted to say THANK YOU for being a member here.

I have enjoyed reading any number of the messages that you've responded to offering tips on setup and the like. They are thoughtfull, full of good information, and very usefull. Even when you get no real benefit (dollar wise) from it all.

Very few people in any business these days, attempts to take care of their customers (and potential customers) the way that you seem to.

A 'Tip of the hat' your way, for being a member here and contributing.

I must second that. I have enjoyed your posts and learned from them. If I'm ever down your way I would ove to stop in and introduse myself.
It's good to have nice folks around that contribute to the good of the group. You're a good contributor Pat.


Da Bear
Actually, it amazes me to no end that finding a resident "expert" (a person who actually has experience) on the internet. While a mechanic's whole day could be spent trying to diagnose problems over the internet, there IS money to be made by helping others. There are several message boards that the primary user community are from the Dallas area. On some occasions, a local outboard mechanic will offer suggestions, but there's a whole market of people WITH problems, where someone spending a few extra minutes a day, could create incredible goodwill, which turns into MONEY.

If I were looking for a new Nitro, I already know what my options on dealers are in this area, so driving to Austin wouldn't be out of the question. Pat would certainly have a shot at my business. If I were IN Austin, there would be no questions.
I agree, Pat always comes thru with good solid advice and great tips. He is an asset to this board, i know i have learned a lot from his posts.

I also think we need to thank Bob Bourget as well. He posts here from time to time with the same type of soild experience backed advice that Pat gives. He is the service manager at my local Nitro dealer. Whenever i have needed any advice on setup or keeping my motor running great he has always steered me right, be it on this board, the phone or when I stop by the dealership. With his advice my 882 is hooked up and flying better then i ever thought it could. Also when i have needed service Bob and his staff deliver the goods. Thanks Bob for everything you do.
I'll agree with Jim about Bob Bourget. Bob's been super to help us with problem solving also. We are all very lucky to have a couple of very good technical sources that can take time to answer our questions.

Tex, I know this was a post directed at Pat but since Jim brought up Bob, I thought it would be fitting to acknowledge him also.

Da Bear
It is becuase of Pat's involvment herre that I drove to Austin TX from Lexington Ky to pick up that 911...

Deal or no deal, it's becuase of Pat (and Waypoint's) reputation and help that made it happen.
