Thanks Sue!!!

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David Munaretto

Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2002
Reaction score
I really appreciate all your help - once again, Sue comes through for the NTOWS gang... If we kept a scoreboard for every NTOWS member on the number of times they helped another member out, Sue would be our CLEAR WINNER! :cool:

You're the BEST!


Ain't that the truth David. I remember quite a long time ago I bought a Guest on-board charger on line. It had no directions and I was a little lost but before I knew it the entire Instructional and Installation directions were right there for me to download, thanks to Sue!

I've never forgotten that and I've also seen what she does for all of us whenever we whine or ask for something.:D She's my winner too David. I'm glad she could hep you.

Uncle Billy
I'll add my vote also! Sue quickly assisted me out when my charger had problems. :)