Thank You pmgoffjr

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Kim Becker

Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2002
Reaction score
Thank You for your valuable information and help. I had the boat at the dealer today and we are trying to schedule a time with the glass shop that they use to get it repaired. After looking at the damaged area and doing some pushing and hitting on it my dealer felt it would be okay to use the boat till the shop can get to it. It sure is great to have the knowledge of all the people at this site at our disposal. Again,Thank You for taking the time to enlighten an ignorant sole like me.
You Da' Man!:D

Got one for ya' Pat...would a 22 pitch be too much for my 185? I llike the 21 SS I have now but, would like to see if could squeeze a little more out of it....and not sure whether that's possible.

Currently jumps on plane running about 5400 RPM's and about 45(speedo) by myself. Am I pretty much max'd? If so I'll still be happy ......