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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
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Monin' gang:cool:

Been awful quiet around here lately...y'all still sleepin'?
Morning!! Keeping low at work due to shake up in upper management. The new guys want to know what you do and how you do it. As usual, after a while they leave you alone when they know you can do your job. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Please be safe.

Barry from La.:)
Evening Gang, just wrapping up my Birthday in China!

Took the day off, Beka and I had a quiet breakfast after the kids went to school, went about 90 mins outside of town to a 1600 yearold water village and spent the day touristing stuff! I didn't get to fish, but at least I got in a boat and got to try my hand at the wheel, or I should say keel!!! The driver showed me how to paddle and steer the boat, which has one 'oar/rudder' that remined me of a large fish tail. it was VERY difficult the control/use as your are both powering the boat and steering at the same time, but it was an adventure to remember!

It was a great day with just the 2 of us touring the city, then Papa Johns pizza for dinner, a movie at home and now a cold beer or 3 before bed!

With the member library upload feature temporarily unavailable, if anyone wants to see a few pictures just let me know via email or post, and i'll send them.

I went there 2 yrs ago, cool old city.....makes you stop and think a little.
Hey Trep...put me on your list. I'd like to see what it looks like over there.

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