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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
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Rainin' like the dickens here...glad it's not snow!

Mac's probably gettin' a early start:p

Y'all be safe this weekend:cool:
It's snowin' like a mad-man here TEE....I'm at work until they tell us to go home.....which based on past practices, is about 1 hr before normal quittin' time!! LOL

By then, we should have a good 10" on the ground and it'll take me 2 hrs to get home!!

Have a good Christmas Everyone!!!!!!

Snowin' like crazy here too. :angry: As much as I hate sitting in the office, I'm kind of glad I don't have any field inspections today.

Some where in the 70's right know. It should warm up to the mid or upper 70's today.

So I guess it will be Falcon Lake tomorrow with the temp getting up to the mid 80's. I glad to leave in South Texas. I can't stand the cold weather. It's not for me.
It has not started yet but they say its going to snow like mad here in Boston. They are calling for about a foot when its all said and done.

I drove in today instead of taking the train. Last year the trains were a disaster when we had a heavy snow so. The way i see it if im going to have a long commute id rather be sitting in my comfy Chevy truck with the seat heaters on then on a crowded train.
It rained and iced in areas here last night, now mostly slush on the drive in about 28 degrees. Since I have been at work it has started to snow. Living on the west coast of Michigan it can change in an instant. But as Andy Z. showed in his post, we always seem to find some fun!

We got about an inch of ice and sleet last night here in SW Iowa. Power went out several times. Not going any where, Hell got no where to go right now. Going to spend the day with the wife and son today as school is out also. You all have a safe day and a great weekend.:)
Blowing really hard here and tomorrow doesn't look pretty so I guess I won't be getting the boat out. The weather has been really snotty around mid TN this week.
Got caugth it the storm last year leaving Boston, six hours to get home. So today I left ahead of the snow and bugged out at noon.
Snowing like a basstard here in Massachusetts.
Beautiful day here in E. Texas. Low to mid-70's with a slight breeze. Front coming through tomorrow afternoon, so maybe I'll go out in the morning and see if the slabs are biting at the bridge, before it rolls in.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Same as Ed. Ice.

My son called from the Providence RI Airport the airport is closed. He can't even get back to the submarine base. He might not get a flight home for days. So much for Christmas leave, but at least he's safe not like many other servicemen.

Still have 1/2" of ice on everything, but power was only out momentarily.. NOW, we have Wind Chill warnings for wind chills to -25F, and forecast for dredded "Lake Effect Snow" warning for sunday into monday, potential for 10-12". HUGH SIGH.... Winter doesnt even officially "start" until monday, and we've already had accumilated 31"
We are supposed to get another 3-5" tonight. Then it will be near 50 Saturday!!! All of that after almost a week straight of single digit temps (windchills near -30)
I've lived in this neck of the woods most of my life, made my choices and came back a couple of times from southern locales. But this winter is already approaching ridiculous: we have had one winter weather watch/warning right after another, now, for second time in a week an ice storm coming in. argh. half the limbs are already broken of my trees, the rest might as well come down this time so I can just get out the chainsaw in the spring and start over.

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