TGIF and Merry Christmas All !

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
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Probably be out later this afternoon and won't talk to y'all til Tuesday.

Morning everyone. Haven't been around much lately, with the new job and traveling as much as I have had to this month. Home for the holiday's.

Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to all the great people here at NTOW's.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, etc!

I couldn't have said it better than Barry ...

"Remember the reason for the season"

I am a happy person this year. I finally got motivated last summer and found the perfect job. I was at a job for 5 or 6 years which I had 0 interest in and didn't enjoy at all. On the bright side, it was the only job I disliked in my entire career. I'm to doing what my professional passion is and the biggest surprise after starting my new job is how much happier I am outside of work!

Cheers and best wishes!


BTW ... My new job is why I have not been so active on this site since Sept. Interested in my work now rather than surfing the web during work. ;)

Great rainy morning all and God bless and Merry Christmas. It may be a couple days away for me, so everyone be safe and thank Jesus for the reason for the season!

Merry christmas and may your lures' hooks not get stuck in your christmas stockings!

A merry Christmas and happy Hanukkah to all the NTOWS members and their famlies.

Good morning everyone. Two more days off frome the knee surgery and it's back to work for me. I never thought that I would be happy going back to work, but these last 10 weeks have been llllooooonnnnnngggggg. I go in for a 12:AM to 8:AM shift on Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas to each and every one of you. I wish you all a Happy New Year!

Happy Holliday's everyone.

Tex, its good to see you on again. :D
Too all Happy Holidays.

One of the things I'm thankfull for this year is this web site. For the fellowship and fun it brings. Thanks all for for the advice, help and jokes.

"Fishing Rocks"

