tell me about sospenders, please

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W. R. Deason

Oct 8, 2003
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Hey, what can anyone tell me about sospenders? What about wearing the automatic ones in a heavy rain? Under a rain suit? Any info will be greatly appreciated.


Lots has been written here on the subject. Do a search for sospenders and you will receive a wealth of information. I love mine.

I got one for Christmas. I keep them on when I'm fishing by myself and when ever I'm running the big motor. I've never had to depend on them to save my life and I hope I never do. From what I understand from other discussions here they do not deploy in the rain, however I have read that they do deploy if left in a wet locker in the boat. There are several members here who have more experiance with them than I do, hopefully they will chime in.

Yes they did Tox, and I looked like a huge pumpkin head with a choke collar on.

My wife bought mine after my TIA last year. You hardly notice them when they are on. I hope I never need them.
REMEMBER that they are NOT USCG approved unless worn. Make sure you carry additional life jackets if you plan on removing them.


Read the instructions and follow them.

Good thing he didn't have a coat on! They were about two sizes too small as it was and his head looked like it was gonna pop off! LOL But runnin down the lake with him having those on was priceless! LOL Imagine tieing a couple of balloons to your neck and running down the lake at 70mph! LOL What I would have given for a permanent pic to post of that one!
Rob, post all you want, I don't get care, I've done some mighty dumb things and I have a good laugh at it, if we can't laugh at ourselves what the hell.

Exactly Buzz, and if no one is laughing at you....I mean WITH you, then its just not as much fun!

Just hope you learned. But in case not, I got my camera in the glove box this year! LOL But never fear Buzzy ole boy, you don't hold a candle to the guys I watch at the boat launch on Saturdays. Some day, we ought to just get a 12 pack, couple lawn chairs, and the camcorder and go make $10k on America's funniest home videos.
What a Kodak moment, so will someone please tell us why Rob's new nick name is LaMoist and why? I must have missed the thread on that one.

Anyhow back to Sosependers....I got mine off the Group buy and at first didn't like it much but now it is a fixture on me when I get on a boat. As for inflating when wet, ummmmm has to be allot of water before it will go off and thats all I am going say about that.

Cass :)
Cass, I think you'll have to ask part of the "Michigan Connection" as I think one of them gave it to him.

I switched to Sospenders this year. My first tournament of the year was on Murray in February. It started raining at about 5:15AM, and never stopped. I got out of the boat and into my car at about 4:00PM in the afternoon. Never had any problems with the auto-inflators going off.

As others have said, you should not (under any circumstances), wear them under clothing. You could actually hurt yourself.

Also, as mentioned, they do not qualify for PFD's in the coast guards eyes (or DNR for that matter), unless they are on you being worn.

I have not found them to be uncomfortable at all.

love mine but do not put them back in the locker damp, learned that one last year went out the next day and it had popped, also dropped mine in the water once and they worked just fine. I keep regular life jackets just in case something like this happens.