TEE & Dan J. or anybody else???

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Bill McElroy

Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2000
Reaction score
I can give out 2 "Employee Discounts" for any NEW GM vehicles, if you or anybody else here is interested. That's in ADDITION to any current incentives!!! The "employee" discount will really save you a bundle......a lot more than the supplier and/or Friends/Family discounts! (I just recv'd the memo this a.m....so act fast!!)

Just holler and let me know,.....gotta use it before Jan. 5th!!;)

GM is NOT going bankrupt...and you will NOT have to worry about warranty coverage!

So,...do what ya gotta do,..and I can help Santa get a new sleigh!!!:cool::rolleyes:

sounds like a great thing mac, only i have an '03 3/4 ton ext cab chev, big gas motor.

and an '06 3/4ton crew LBZ.. pretty sure i got plenty of transportation! you will

make someone happy.
Thanks for the offer MAC.. but I aint due for a few hundred thousand more miles. I just done wear em out like I used to.
Thanks Mac! Dealer says it won't help the price we spoke about. Just have to decide to pull the trigger for Momma's new ride. As long as I get her something new by her birthday, I'm good. I got two months.... :( .... :lol:
No problem Gang.....the offer is open to anybody who needs wheels!! I'll be here all next week too, so let me know before 2pm on Friday the 19th! (@ 2pm the 19th, i'm going to the Bar for a couple brewski's with my work friends then I'm OUTA HERE until Jan. 5th!)
Hmmm....what should I get??? Almost bought a customized 4 door Jeep Wrangler. It was SSWWEEEEETTTT!
I can't helpya with their prices,...but i can get you a SWWWWWWEEEEEEET deal on one of ours!!! :wub: Just holler and I'll hook you up!!
Teri you need one of these....


It will tow your boat and do it in style.
That's fine......offer's still out there for anybody....i'm here until Dec. 19th.;)
I can't afford that, especially without a job!
Mac, I might be calling you.....H3T maybe.....:wub:
I've still got both employee discount cert's available...and I'll be here all week!! Call or email....you KNOW i'd do ANYTHING for you Teri!!:wub::wub::cool:


i already got mine Mac...I did hear that they were dropping the Conv.Camero,And I heard Pontiac may be going also..I just bought that Pontiac,Maybe It will be worth somthing down the road since there were supposed to only be 888 built and I have number 1 ...Let me know.....JR
I'll try and find out what I can JR,....there will be a LOT of changes coming in the next couple of years.....especially with models being dropped or "delayed". Pontiac will become a "specialty vehicle" division....limited numbers and models....I would suspect yours will deffinitely "appreciate"...so keep your foot out of the floor board!! :cool:;)
Talked to a dealer about the H3T. Since it was an employee price they totally screwed me on trade so I aint doing it. I am approved for a loan, great rate, but couldn't unload the BMW for a decent price for a Jeep or H3. Not even close so I will sit for now.
anytime you use an employee or vendor or freind of the family discount ticket, they will attempt to lowball you on the TI. to the point of insulting, in fact. Last time, I had a TI that was booked valued, low wholesale, at 4800 and dealer would not budge off of $1250. He did not get the business, there are plenty other hungry dealers around. Walk away. that is the first tactic of the dealer, to make back what he thinks he gave away on the TI. Just walk.

Thats not saying the program isnt great or flawed by any means, I have bought my last 4 (proudly GM, Mac!) vehicles with this type of program.. you just still have to maximize the deal. I will go this way again if I have the need or opportunity in the future.
Hellooooooo.......I used the plan from Mac on my wife's 2008 Equinox and we worked out all the prices, trade in, etc., THEN I told them about the F&F discount!! They crapped little green ice cream cones but they did the deal.:lol:

great if they held to the deal, tox.. first couple dealers I tried,reneged
