TEE?? Aluminum Cleaner

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Mark Jaworski

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2004
Reaction score

Just a quick question since you have the mirror boat. I tried never dull on my transom, it worked great to polish the boat up. It did not take long at all to polish. I havent done the rest because I wanted to check with you and others on the board to see if never dull was a bad product for the boat. Will it oxidize faster after polishing with never dull?

Do you know of any issues with then never dull??

I will apply the sharkhide in the winter, after the boat is polished.


If it's just a polish, then no it won't oxidize faster....it will actually oxidize slower.

Your waterline will come back pretty quick though:(

I went and polished mine first before I learned about Sharkhide so three months later, I was repolishing again and applying the SH. Of course it was easier the second time;)

BTW...mine will have to be re-touched in some areas that are wearing away (small amount) this winter.

5+ years ain't bad. I have just enought in the can left to do it.
Thanks TEE,

Im going to do the entire boat soon. Ill post the pics when complete.

No need to do the bottom...it would wear off anyway.
Hey Jaws,

I've never tried SharkHide but all have to do is look at Tee's boat.:) But earlier today a friend came by to drop off some wire for me and brought along an aluminum cleaner and polish. He started spreading some on the cap at the rear of my boat and was rubbing it by hand so I went and got my electric buffer. I buffed out a section about 12" x 12" and it's a mirror now. I was amazed. And the boat was cruddy it was so dirty when he started. It's called GORD'S and I've given the URL to find it. Gord's is for Gordon and he's just a good old boy who sells this stuff. The web site has a video of him using it. Try that URL.

Uncle Billy
Any good aluminum polish will work to remove the oxidation...3M,Zoop,Gords,Filtz and numerous others but, to be honest..the BPS polish at $ 6.99 a bottle is the way to go;)

Now get to Sharkhidin'...both of ya':lol:
Remember...oxidation is not caused by the water but, the air.

Do your polishing right before application and it'll save some work.

You can buff them with a machine BUT, you better have an endless supply of bonnets for your polisher because they will instantly turn black from the oxidation and after a few swipes it will just run it back into the finish...been there and didn't do it:lol:

Just a heads up...
Tee, I've tried everything you mentioned and, I.M.H.O., were worth a darn. With a couple of those you mentioned, Fitz, 3M, and even Never Dull did anything for me.

When my friend starting rubbing with Gord's, and I went to get that buffer, was a total of maybe four minutes and when I got back he had it very shiny. I just asked him to put a little of the Gord's on my bonnet to see what was what. It's an inexpensive Black & Decker buffer so a lot of pressure wasn't applied but in two minutes of light buffing, it turned into a mirror.

Totally amazed me. He could have finished doing that section by hand in another minute or two but I wanted to see what that buffer would do.

What I will use is something that shows me it works. You know what I mean? Sooo, I'm either getting some Gord's or Sharkhide but haven't decided what yet. I'm thinking about buying all of that Sharkhide stuff, hooking up the boat and getting someone to help me with it it, and driving to Fairview, Ohio so a friend of mine can really show me how to use it properly.:huh: Sounds like a plan to me.:p

Uncle Billy
The Sharkhide application is not really difficult with a few practice spots.

You can put it on with a rag but, I had good luck using the lil' 4" foam rollers that you can get at any hardware store. It is a little tricky at first because it is soooo thin...almost like laquer thinner.

I can honestly say from experience...Sharkhide should be put on all aluminum rigs from the factory. 5+ years for me and I'll NEVER go back!

After about the 100th compliment you'll get...you'll know what I mean;)
Hi Guys,

I went to BASS PRO and purchased the TOON Bright kit for aluminum. I now have Meguires metal polish, BASS PRO metal polish, Never Dull, and the TOON bright metal polish. I did the transom last night. I read the directions for dilution of the TOON wash. I diluted a bit more than advertised just to make sure no damage could be done. I taped the pin stripe so as not to get solvent on the paint or stickers. The TOON wash foamed up and looked like it was working. I left it on for about 4 minutes. rinsed it off. To my surprise it turned the aluminum almost white. I started to worry. I tried each polish to see what would happen. The TOON bright and the BASS PRO polishes work but took alot of effort. The never dull worked a bit better. Then I tried the Meguires polish. It shined like a mirror. Out of all of the polishes I would reccomend the Meguires. I bouhgt that at BASS PRO as well. But it comes in a very small container. I think the price was $7.99.

The TOON wash did not really take anything off, it just turned the black stain white and it still required alot of elbow grease. When I do the sides I may try the wash again on a small area to see if I didnt mix it strong enough or need to dilute more. I think I may get a el cheapo buffer to do the sides. Ill get most of it off and then go over by hand to finish up. Im holding off on the sides until I get the Sharkhide. To much work to do twice.

TEE, did you try a sponge to put the sharkhide on? The roller seems like a good idea.

Thanks for all of the help.

It is a small sponge roller that I got from Lowe's.

And yes...I don't recommend the acid wash unless it's really bad. You learned that already;)

Just stay away from your decals about an 1/8" and you'll be fine when you apply the SH.


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