Take a kid fishing

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Rob LaMoy

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
As many of you know, I'm a BIG advocate for taking kids fishing. Especially kids that normally wouldn't be affored the opportunity to go. I've even cleared away the edges and banks of the river across the road from my house, and stocked it so local kids can fish and experience some success. I just find it disheartening that so many kids today would rather watch TV or play video games than be outdoors. I belive June is natioanl fishing month or take a kid fishing month or something like that. Not that we need a set month to do it, but use it as an opportunity to turn some kid onto the passion of fishing. You may have more impact than you know.

I am doing a fishing contest along with boat safety and fishing demonstration for my boy's cub scout pack tomorrow. We'll have about 30 boys there along with some parents and siblings. I was able to get Dick's sporting goods, Wal-Mart, and some of my sponsors to donate some tackle to give away. That way every kid takes something away from the day. I can't wait. To me, there is NOTHING more exciting than watching a kid hook into a toad smallie or hog largemouth and get the fever right there in front of you. I would rather see and be a part of that than catch 10 lber myself anyday. I have to say it rivals being on a stage at a big weigh in with a HUGE sack of fish.

So as you're hooking up your rig tomorrow and see the neighbor's kid just kind of sitting there doing nothing, take him or her along. You never know, you could end up with a fishing buddy for life or maybe even starting the Kevin VanDam or Rick Clunn on their path to fishing fame.
I'm taking my 7 year old nephew Big Gill Fishin' this weekend:D

I'm sure he'll have a ball:lol: Of course I'll have to bring the Lil' Rat Dog and Better half of course:rolleyes:
Nothing like the smiles of a kid who's holding up his first fish.:D:D:D
Very nice Rob! Where was someone like ypu when I was a kid!?

I'm planning on taking out 2 of my 3 kids this evening. They have both caught bass before but nothing with any size. I'm dieing to see them catch a nice 3+ pounder and witness their reaction and excitement. Good stuff!!!
I'm like that commercial....The only time that you hope your partner outfishes you:D
I take my own kids a lot. To the point that to them a 5 lb bass is not a big deal anymore. I have a bunch of pics with them holding smallies or largemouth that most adults would love and they're just kind of "blah" about it. But they both still love to go. I just really like taking a kid that normally doesn't get to go. I even donated my services to a foundation for terminally ill children but because I didn't have lodging available, they wouldn't use me. That seemed a little odd.

I only wish that anglers and hunters would promote our sport as much as PETA promotes their agenda. If that happened organizations like PETA wouldn't even exist. Actual fishing license sales per capita have dropped in the last 2 generations. It will likely keep going that way unless some of us jump in there and make some changes.

And NO fishing is not a game on Playstation! LOL:angry: