Synthetic Oil Brand for OptiMax

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Teri C.

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
I have an 08 Optimax 115 on my Triton. The lady who owned it before me only used Mercury brand synthetic oil. I am always a Bass Pro and they only sell Pennzoil or Quick Silver. Is it ok to used these brands? I have in my other motors. Just want to treat this one as a keeper.
Teri I believe Quiksolver is a Mercury brand.

I was told to only use Opti Oil by two mechanics.

Randy are u saying its ok to use Quick Silver? It says right on the bottle it is used or can be for Optimax.
quicksilver and merc oil are the same thing. Quicksilver is merc's label they sell in stores
Yes, as that is what they sell at my marina specifically for Opti's!

How did you do yesterday?
I use synthetic blend DFI/Opti oil only. Mercury or Quicksilver.

There are lots of people that will tell you that you "can" use Mercury / Quicksilver Premium Plus oil. Yep. They are "technically" right. My manual even says that if the DFI/Opti oil isn't available, then Premium Plus is a suitable substitute. HOWEVER... it's not meant as a "run it forever" substitute for the DFI/Opti oil. It means that in a pinch, it will do, and you can mix it with your DFI/Opti oil without any problems. But it can burn a lot more dirty than the DFI/Opti oil, and I've known people with sneezing, wheezing sounding Optimax's that run the stuff. They end up changing their plugs more often that I do, and their engines generally don't run as smooth as mine does after they have used it for extended periods.

I've known people that run the Penzoil and other brands, and after a while, they have engine problems. Mostly rough idle and lack of performance. They bring their engine in and have it tuned up and everything goes back to normal. How much did they "save" on the cheaper Premium Plus or other brand? At the time, it looked like a lot. In the long run, they either broke even after the tune up, or they are in the red compared to the DFI/Opti oil user.

I'm a huge fan of Amsoil synthetic oils. I run it in everything I own... except for my Optimax. I've stuck with the DFI/Opti oil and (knock on wood) haven't had any issues since I bought it in 2005. At my last tune up, the mechanic called to tell me that I "really didn't need to" change my plugs, as they looked excellent. I changed them anyway, "just because" I thought it was the right thing to do. He returned my old plugs - yep. I could have saved some money and just left those in there. DFI/Opti oil is the best for your Optimax.

All the best,

I bought the Quick Silver synthetic DFI last night at Bass Pro. I just wanted to make sure that brand is ok. Thanks guys!
I use the Pennzoil 100% synthetic in my 2001 Optimax; so far runs great and prop shaft is very clean to boot!!

Mike Yeatts
Keep in mind if you do not run Merc or Quicksilver products you will void the warrenty!!!!

I don't think they can do that... They can specify a "standard" but not a brand... Might be tough to meet the standard....

The Federal government dealt with this back in 1975 with the Magnuson-Moss Act. The following explains the act and the impact it has on consumers and warranties.

"While the Magnuson-Moss Act does not require manufacturers to provide a written warranty, it provides specific rules when one is provided. Among those provisions, FTC regulations state: (c) No warrantor of a consumer product may condition his written or implied warranty of such product on the consumers using, in connection with such product, any article or service (other than article or service provided without charge under the terms of the warranty) which is identified by brand, trade, or corporate name; except that the prohibition of this subsection may be waived by the Commission if (1) the warrantor satisfies the Commission that the warranted product will function properly only if the article or service so identified is used in connection with the warranted product, and (2) the Commission finds that such a waiver is in the public interest. (15 U.S.C.2302(C))"

To paraphrase the act and tie it back to this thread, it says that Merc cannot require you to use Mercury lubricants to keep your warranty valid, only that you must use the viscosity grade and service specification as provided by Mercury. Merc would love it if you believed you have to use their oil to maintain your's good for their sales. If Mercury is going to tie their warranty to your use of their brand of lubricants, then they have to provide it to you at no cost. To the best of my knowledge, no manufacturer has deemed it important enough to use their private label lubricant to give it away.

Here's just one... Pennzoil says there oil meets all requirements...
Ok, I just made a call and I wrong. ( it happened one other time )

As long as the oil meets the standard that Merc requires it can NOT void the warrenty.
Teri - If you don't mind spending a little extra, you can go with Amsoil.