Survey - What was your best bass this season?

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Andrew Zuber

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
With the bass season about to close here in Michigan, I'm looking back on this year's catches...

How did everyone else do this season?

What was your best Largemouth/Smallmouth bass and what region did you catch it???

Largemouth 6lb 8oz - Northern Indiana reservoir

Smallmouth 4lb 4oz - Southern Michigan river

My biggest bass this fall was a 24.5 inch 7.1 pound largemouth. Out of the southwest, Saguaro Lake. The fish was on a Senko along a rubble rock shoreline. Josh
I can't say it was a disappointing season because I caught more 4 & 5 pounders than I ever had but not one of them was a first round draft choice.

Was a let down for smallies this year. I got the numbers again but nothing over 5lbs this year. Best was probably around 4 1/2. Largie was over 6 1/2 that weekend with Jim and his 8+ lber.
It was a usual season for me. Mostly tons of 3 pound class, some 4+ and NOTHING over 5lbs. I've been fishing for 18 years and I am still waiting for my first bass over 5lbs :eek:(

I've stuck them but never seem to able to land them. I lost a smallie on St. Clair this year that would EASILY have gone 6 possibly 7lbs. I thank god every day that Curtis was there to see it. At least I know one person believes me.
Caught one largemouth just a little bigger than the one I caught with Rob, (October) 8-3/4 lbs, Biggest smallmouth was on the St. Lawrence, (September) 5-1/4 lbs., all released to fight another day.
Marke, I'm tellin ya, get back out here in early May and we'll put you on a jig n pig bite and some serious hogs.
No smallies for me this year, (only Largemouths live where I go fishing,lol)

This year I got my personal best LM, about 6lbs, on riprap shoreline with a Rick Clunn rattling ETI crankbait. ( I'm sold on those crankbaits, I caught more bass on those than on all my other crankbaits combined.)

It was a real good year for numbers, caught alot of 1,2,& 3 pounders, but only 2 over 4lbs.

Fewer crappies this year but better size, same with channel cats, and bluegills. Alot more perch this year, but like the bass, smaller size.

All in all, it was a good year, and as I watch the wind kick up and the flurries fly, and the Christmas lights short out yet again outside,(think-Clark Grizwold), I sure miss that mirror calm water on a July morning at sunrise. egMike

8.5 # LM In September, Herrington Lake

5# SM in October, Lake Cumberland.


7.5 # SM in May, Dale Hollow.

4# LM in September, Herrington Lake...

<b><i><font size +2>SO FAR!!!</font></i></b> Goin' Out Sunday to Cumberland... I gotta bead on some early witner Smallies!!!!!
a 9 lbr from Fork.... 8 lbr from Fork and several between 6 and 7 lbs....

8# LM lower Mich. lake & 5# SM. LSC Best year for BASS I have ever had in numbers & size
I caught a number of 2 1/2 to 3 lb largemouth on cranks and jigs in the spring and summer.

Biggest Smally was a 3 1/2 lber caught in Duck Lake on a senko here in michigan.

7 1/2 lb largemouth on an August morning pleasure fishing on Manchaug Pond,Mass.Why cant I find these hogs durning a tourn.A few 4&5 lbs LM all caught on senko's.
I did catch some nice 5's and 6's on my Clear Lake trip this last spring on a Black and Red Bacon Rind but my most memorable Catch was on the Klamath River (Near Keno, Ore)in Sept. A 6.2 and a 5.1 on Back to Back cast's off the same Large boulder.. The reason it was so memorable was that Bass in the 6 range are rare in that body of water and the other reason was that I decided that Morn to actually try a Kinami Flash.. Did I ever make the right choice. 104 Bass in 3 days. All on a Flash!!

What lake in Maine was that if you don't mind me asking Lamar? Do you ever fish in NH? Josh
This was a great late spring and summer on the St Johns river this year, but most fish were in the 2-3lb class. They were up in the grass beds from spawn in March through September. Best catch was a 6.5lb largemouth in March.
Had a few smallies this year in the 6.5 class, never weighed em....prefishing for a tourney.

I dont think I caught a largemouth over 4 pounds this year. If I did, it had to be while crappie fishing. I didnt largemouth fish much this year, but its not over yet ;)!

Mine was a 5.5 lb largemouth caught in Banner Marsh (central Illinois) I was fishing in a 2-man team tournament, but my partner backed out the night before so I decided to fish by myself even though it limited me to only three fish. I caught more than three keepers, but couldn't weigh them because I was by myself. I got second place in the tournament by less than .5 lbs and won big bass. Even better than that I caught the big one on one of my own worm designs that I make myself. that is always good for business.
On Lake Murray in February. Actually my first bass this year.

6lb 3oz on a Rapala DT-10.

BTW, my 'worst' was about 2 weeks ago on a fun trip with the wife. I hooked and landed a whopper LM, that had to measure somewhere between 3 and 4" in length. I still don't know how he got the RoadRunner in his mouth!

Largemouth: 3 + lb ?

Smallmouth: 5 lb, 5 oz Lake Erie Islands


6 lb 9 oz Largemouth on a Watermelon/Red Flake Brush Hog in Candlewood Lake, CT

4 lb 14oz Smallmouth on a Watermelon/Red Flake Brush Hog at Candlewood Lake, CT
My largest bass were a 6 lb 4 oz largemouth and a 4 lb 3 oz smallmouth.

My "best" bass was a 2 lb 1 oz smallmouth that fought like it thought it was the next world record. It jumped 9 times, completely clearing the water each time and on it's 10th jump it landed itself by jumpimg into the boat! As it flopped on the deck it spit up 3 fresh, 3 inch shiners!