Surf Fishing Shock Leader

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Scott Shenton

Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2004
Reaction score
Hey guys,

I don't know if any of you all do any surf fishing, but I need some help.

I am a "Power Pro Addict" and absolutley love the stuff. I now use it on everything. I was surf fishing this weekend, and found that a shock leader is nice to bring back some stretch, keep sinker sliders from tangling and save my poor fingers from cuts resulting from 6oz of lead being thrown with a 10' rod, and 30lb braid......

I also use Florocarbon leaders for my bass rigs too. My setups (all of them) are basicly what the dude on Addictive fishing uses, but in various weight classes.... (Braid with a mono/floro leader for invisablity)


Do you all use shock leaders?

What test?

The big question, what knot are you using and how the heck do you keep it from breaking when it whips the guides??????????

I have been tying 4 or 5 kinds of knots, very carefuly, with lots of wraps, nice and small, and I still get a LOT of breakoffs. (always as the knot as it goes through the smallest guide. The rare occation I get a snag (bass or salt), and I have to break it off, it's at the knot. Every time with out fail.....

Every surf fishing board I see, it's agreed that a shock leader is a must, so what gives? What's the seacret to get the knot though the guide without breaking either the knot, or worse yet, the guide????

Thanks ahead of time.... ;-)

I use an 8 ft leader of either florocarbon or steel depending on the number of teeth in the target species, i use a blood knot ( i think that what most people call it) and never experience break off;s. If you dont need that long a leader then shortn it, i use 8 ft because its typically 2 ft longer than the fish im trying to catch.

I tie a uni to uni for my shock leaders when im surf fishing. I have never had problems with knot failure using that knot. I also use mono for both the leader and the main line. When i sirf fish its almost always for stripers and they pull so hard that you need all the stretch you can get or they WILL straighten the hook out.

Also what kind of rod are you using? I like big giudes on my surf rod because of the knot, it really helps it pass thru easily. I have two one spinning and one "conventional" as the salt guys call them. Both are st croix premier surf rods and they have big enough guides that its no problem for the knot.