Sunscreen Question....

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
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Okay...I want your thoughts.

Me personally, I use SPF 45 all the time and wash it off my palms then I apply a lil' fish scent to mask it. It seems to have no effect on fish for me anyhow.

Caught over 40 smallmouth last week to prove it and used it everyday.
as long as there is no PABA in it there should be no problem. That stuff drives the fish away from what i have read.

Like you i use spf 45(coppertone sport) but i dont do anything after to "mask" the scent and i dont seem to have any issue catching fish:D
I only use Bullfrog brand sunscreen when out on my boat. For the past few years, I've used their Gel. This year, Bullfrog has a spray-on that works extremely well, and keeps it off your hands for the most part.

I wash my hands after handling any sunscreen / bug spray with the same soap I use to get the smell off of my entire body when going deer hunting - the hunters scent free soap by HS Scents. I carry a bar of it in a "soap box" I got from Wal Mart for a buck. Works great - no known or seen effect on fish.

All the best,

That gel from bull Frog is good! Dries quick and works great. I have not seen an effect on the fish either.

I put mine on before I leave the house and wash my hands really well. I just use whatever I can get my hands on, and haven't had a problem. Actually I get my boat ready in the driveway and even pump the fuel line ball too before I wash up. That keeps me from having to wash my hands at the lake to get the gas off too.
Is that a sunscreen, or a medical condition? :lol:

All the best,

Been using Banana brand, about 50. After putting it on and washing my hands, I ususally put a little dab of megastrike in my hands and rub it in/on. Doesn't bother me, and it seems to do the trick, scent wise.

Okay. Allow me to chime in here. I'm sort of an armchair expert at this stuff since my skin cancer bout last year.

1) Any sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher is a must. Even on the cloudy days.

2) Ultimately you want a sunscreen that provides broad spectrum UVA and UVB protection. (read the labels, many don't provide this)

3) TEE, I have used Blue Lizard...I did not care for it...really greasy and heavy. But it is cool when the bottle turns blue....!!!

4) Neutrogena SPF 45 with Helioplex is THE BEST stuff I have ever used. It comes in 30 SPF too. Non greasy, no scent and outstanding protection. Helioplex was approved last spring by the FDA in the U.S., they've been using it for years in Australia. It's a little pricy...but well worth it in my opinion.

A few more things to consider......

A mere t-shirt only provides an SPF of 5 to 7...gotta wear sunscreen under your T's.

Make sure you apply sunscreen to your toenail beds if you fish in sandals. The nail beds are one of the more common spots to develop Melanoma as well as one of the deadliest.

Don't forget the back of your ears...better yet, wear a hat with a 3 inch brim all around. I wear a military boonie hat now.

Careful when you wash the sunscreen off your hands...gotta keep the backs of your hands protected too.....very common skin cancer spot.

Hope that helps....bottom line...wear sunscreen all the time when outside...

As an old beach bum I never used to use anything at all. Then a few years ago I stated using BullFrog on my nose and the tops of my ears. Nancy always yelled/yells at me but it didn't do any good.

Now however, I am going to wear long pants or those ones that you can unzip into shorts.

I've bought five SPF 45 long sleeve shirts. I'd rather sweat than have anything else dug out or burned off of me. I always wore baseball hats but I've now bought a nice hat with a three inch wide brim. The top is solid to help the top of my head and the brim is solid also. The part around my head is ventilated so air can get through.

I have never heard of Neutrogena SPF 45 with Helioplex but I'll look for it now. Or, ahem, Nancy will look for it.:rolleyes: I have also never thought to even think about my feet when wearing sandals. Thanks so much Smitty!! Those are some great suggestions and ideas you've shared with us and I truly appreciate it. I just hope everyone listens!

Uncle Billy
Never, I repeat never, go out with Uncle Billy on a hot summer day.....He'll try and melt you in the boat!!

In the early season, I wear screen until my skin get's used to the sun. I go to the Dermatologist every other year and he always tells me the same thing....with skin as dark as yours, you have nothing to worry about. That being safe kemosabie.


By far the best I have found. I will look at the Netrogena mentioned above.

My recent understanding of sunscreen is that a SPF 5 will be just as effective as a SPF 45, assuming both have UVA, UVB blocking agents. The difference is how long the effectiveness is. Basically, if you apply the SPF 5 often enough, it would be the same as applying SPF 45 once. I don't understand why anyone would want to keep applying stuff when they could just do it once. Someone correct me if I am wrong on this. are correct. There is no difference in protection between the SPF's, as long as you stay at 15 or above. You'll just be applying it alot more with the lower numbers....and who wants to do that...?? I use an SPF 45..and reapply every 2 to 3 hours...whether it's sunny or cloudy, that's more than is really needed, but since I already had a melanoma, I'm now 50 times more likely to develop another one over someone who has never had one. So I slather it on quite liberally.

Whatever brand you choose, just make sure its a broad spectrum protectant...meaning it blocks out both UVA and UVB rays...both are damaging and potential killers. Depending on where it rears its ugly head on your body, melanoma can potentially metastisize in less than a year...once it does, it cannot be stopped. Fortunately, for me, mine was caught and removed just in time. I cannot stress enough the importance of finding a good dermotologist and seeing them annually, especially for us outdoorsman. I must go every 6 months.

By the way Billy, the Neutrogena is available at most drug stores in the sunscreen need to go to any department store make up counters. $30 bucks for a tube of the stuff I mentioned....I use 4 to 5 tubes of 45 SPF a summer, then drop down to a 15 during the winter months (I wear sunscreen everyday, even if I don't plan on spending time outdoors, just a habit now).

One thing I forgot to mention, was the importance of quality sunglasses. They too should be broad spectrum UVA and UVB protected. As nasty as it sounds, skin cancer (all 3 types) can develop on and in the eye just as easily as it can on the skin.

Take care of yourselves my friends...I ignored the warnings for too long and payed the price with a literal scalping of my forehead. U definately don't want what I had. Perhaps I'll post some pictures of my surgery (a plastic surgeon friend of mine did the work), they just might scare all of you enuff to turn you into summertime grease balls like myself.
Great advice Smitty.

I've had two spots removed on my hands, one on my neck and I'm only 47:wacko:

That's why I kinda' wanted to see who's using it and what brands.

I am VERY aware now and everyone on this site should be also.

Make it your priority this year...I surely am;)
Keep in mind that when on the water, the sun reflects off and hits you from all angles so you can't just protect from 2 cents. kenny
Never, I repeat never, go out with Uncle Billy on a hot summer day.....He'll try and melt you in the boat!!

Oh come on Toxic, show a little back bone!! Purple is a great color on you!:rolleyes:

Uncle Billy