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Bruce Moore

Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2000
Reaction score
It never ceases to amaze me how lazy I get regarding "new" technology. For the last several months I've cussed, threatened, whined about this old outdated computer we own. Well, it turns out that yes, it could stand to be replaced, but it was more an issue of corrupted with JUNK! Wish I'd have paid more attention to you guys that do it for a living. Cleared out the registry, ran AD-AWARE, (to erase my daughter's unknowing transgressions), disk cleanup, and defrag. Guess what, it's almost tolerable! LOL Just a heads up for everyone, do routine maintenance on your system like everything else.......BTW 70 here Sunday Mac


It might not hurt to add some more RAM too, if possible. I recently did that on my PC and couldnt believe the difference it made. I'm not too slick on computers either LOL

70?!!...Niiiiice!!!!.....Goona be in the mid 50's here tomorrow and sunday too...and possibly into next week.

That's "open the windows and air out the house weather!!"

C'mon SPRING!!! (May just have to go order a new boat this weekend!!)
Great weather!

It'll give you and Cathy a chance to practice for the Rally/Tournament!

Git yer butts to Kentucky!
Can't,.....we'll both be going to AR. the following weekend for the first annual Ranger Owner's Rally. Can't swing both events...and besides..I won't have a boat yet anyway!!

I'll be ordering my new one this weekend and it won't be up here until Mid-late May!!

BTW-it's "K"athy.....LOL

What an EGO! sheesh!

You think your wife is the only C/Kathy out there?????

Back off Big Dog!

I was talking to Bruce!


I am tellin ya, guy gets his own website and his picture in a couple magazines and it's all about him! LOL!!!

Rich D
Still not out of the question. But it looks like it's gonna be one of those last minute decisions. I really want to get up there. Sounds like a lot more attendees and interest this year.

Hey, Bruce..... Would you like a seperate computer for your daughter?

Right now, I have an older CPU sitting here - it's almost as old and slow as I am! Bought it in 1995 with Windows '95. It's a Compaq Presario that only runs at 200 mhz with 1.9 Meg hard drive and 24(?) mgb ram..... But it works and has MS Office..... You would need to get a monitor but it has the keyboard and mouse.
Well....if I could make it I would,....for no other reason than to burn a 'gar with Rich D,...drop the ashes in his carpet,....and take Trep for a ride in a real boat and scare the crap out of his skinny arss!!!! Oh,..and to get a pix of Teri in her "Doggy Style" tshirt to put on my wall of fame in my testosteroom. Ohwell...maybe next year...

if my heads not too big!!..BBWWWAAAAAHHAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Giter-done fella's!!!

WHOA! What's this? Rich D - are you coming to the rally? It would be great if you are! I just didn't have your name down.....
Mac, does that mean my tshirt is on the way. :)

It went to a pub in Aspen, CO years ago called the Flying Dog. They were famous for their Doggie Style Ale. I bought a tshirt and the back had a picture of the flying dog and it said " I like it Doggie Style". I wore that shirt out until it looked so bad I couldn't wear it anymore. It was a really cute shirt. Not as tacky as it might sound.
Teri,...toxic is the one with the Doggie Style Tshirt connection....I don't have any "Dogfish" characters...but sounds like I might need one aye?!!...LOL

I might be there, but will not know until probably a week before. My job is fickle this time of year.


Ashes are good for the carpet, it deoderizes it! LOL!!

Rich D
I hope so, Rich! You make it and I'll force Cara Mia to come along and play her fiddle for us!
JR...look for info on the Ranger Rally on their website next's supposed to be up on March 1st. It'll be an awesome time!! Can't wait!!

Yea Ranger Rally where all the guys can tell JR - You traded in a NITRO, you IDIOT!!!! LOL