stress crack

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J. Green

Active Member
Aug 20, 2003
Reaction score
While waxing my boat today. (2000 Nitro 700 LX 75 Hp)

I noticed 2 small stress cracks (2 to 3" long, very slight to feel with fingernail) First ones I"ve noticed since getting the boat, before it was always the other guy who got them

The location is on the inside rear corner of the transom well , I've searched on the site for a similar problem but could not find a person who posted a similar crack in the same location. Any safety concerns or any other info would be appreciatted.

Is my motor going to fall off the boat while traveling.

Any help would be appreciatted. Don't scare me I'm kinda freakin out a little bit

I utilize a motor totor when traveling.



Can you get soem digital pics of the cracks? That may help.

Peopel with more experience then I will help you on this issue.

Hi Joe,

I own a 901 myself and have a few stress cracks here and there. They don't seem to ever get any bigger though.I wouldn't worry about them to much ,just look at them from time to time. It's just the nature of the beast!!lol

I appreciate all the responses so quick, I attempted to go out after Carlos's post about digital photos and I took some, on the photos you can,t even see the cracks.

Up close they looked like a couple of hairs 2 to 3" long at the rear of the transom well, was curious if this was spot prone to gel cracks where as it supports the motor.
I have a few small hair line cracks in my splash well also. They are right where they installed that alluminum drain hole. I had it repaired , but they came back. They have not gotten any bigger, so I am not worried about it. Its the nature of the beast. All glass boats will have gelcoat cracks its unavoidable. My brother n law is in the boat buss. figerglass work and his family builds boats in miami. I asked him what his thoughts were on wood in transoms, GOOD or BAD vs the all composit or all glass. His response was the following. Boats have had wood in them for 1000's of years if its installed and treated correctly its better that all glass or composits because it will flex and not crack as easy. His opinion was he would never worry about wood or gelcoat cracks as long as they do not get bigger and are not into the fiberglass.

Be advised that all stress cracks are not water related. My 2000 929 had -0- cracks until I started trailering long distances. The trip to Wisconsin this year produced some trailering cracks.
