Stock Tips?

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Teri C.

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
I have some money waiting to be invested. I have been watching a few stocks but haven't decided on anything.

Since it's slow fishing, anyone been watching any hot stocks or have tips on what to buy?
Teri you didn't REALLY expect a serious answer from these guy did you?????

Teri - As someone who has invested in the Stock Market since I was a Sophmore in College, I have one serious piece of advice - Either A) invest in managed mutual funds or B) sit down with REAL Investment Advisor (not an insurance salesperson).

I don't really keep up, and since I work for a bank/securites company, not allowed to give any advice what-so-ever. Most all of my investments are in mutual funds. IRA's, 401K's and Roth.

Teri, The best can't miss advice I can give you is ...Anything I buy, you sell short. I'm a one man stock killer. I've personally ruined AOL, Dell, Cisco, and Fruit of the Loom. Buy high and sell low--That's my motto! Good Luck, Hutch
Teri: What's your investment goal for the money that you have sitting around doing nothing? Retirement? Quick profit? Growth? Income?

How risk tolerant are you? How diversified are you in your portfolio already? What are your ratios between fixed-income assets, equities and liquidities?

You've asked a loaded question.

Me? I like Anheuser Busch (BUD). If the economy goes in the tank, people drink to drown their worries. When it's Bowl season, people drink more. When the economy goes up, people loosen up their wallets and go out to eat more. When it's summer, and the grass is finished being cut, folks grab a beer.

Mutual funds that invest primarily in small cap stocks have done well since 9/11, but I think they're getting tapped out. The international market is too unstable, in my opinion, to look for a quick score there but you might be wise to put something in international stocks for the long-haul. Good news is that right now many are bargains.

The best advice I've heard recently is to look for undervalued large cap stocks (Fortune 500 type companies like GE) that have staying power but where the price is at a period low. If Osama bin Laden is captured or killed, watch for those stocks to go through the roof.

But again, before you write a check, it would be good to sit with a trained financial advisor and think about your short- and long-term investment goals.

(How's that for a completely non-committal answer?)
ranger.........Teri to be serious.....Mutual funds are a quick easy way to make money..Also you can do like me, buy a new ranger z boat and sell it 2 days later for 2000 profit....Probably only happens once but it was easy...

Seriously, Mutual funds work...JR
Hutch, I feel your pain, lol.

Seriously Teri, best bet would be to talk to someone, everyone here probably has a tip or two, but you have to decide: short term? long term? Reinvest dividends?

etc...... it's an awfully personal decision.

A few that I buy or have bought are, Microsoft, G.E., BankNorth Group, Nasdaq100,Harrahs Entertainment, etc...and a few mutual funds....... kind of a mixed bag. Only advice I could offer would be to seek advice from a professional investment advisor. Anyway, good luck with your investments! egMike

open an account with Scottrade or Ameritrade (or another online trading company)

Get a subscription to Investors Business read and read those some more.

do your research....

look into the satelite radio companies. Siri (sirius Satelite radio) and xmsr (XM satelite radio). They've both been moving some.

I have 401K's and Mutual funds. I was looking to play and make a profit. Sorta like gambling but I won't be in vegas for awhile. I have been watching Sirius. They are overvalued and no profit but they keep going up.
SHOTGUN.. throw enough stuff at the market, some of it is bound to stick, I have gone with this approach for my 401K this year and am up over 10%
I like SPDR and QQQ (index tracking stocks). Like a mutual fund with no overhead and you know what you've got at the end of the day :).
Forget about managed mutual funds, the management fees are too high. You get the same bang for your buck and then some by investing in no load index funds. Management fees are substantially lower with index funds. I would allocate your cash 30% to a high cap index fund, 30% to a mid cap index fund and 40% to a high quality bond fund (AAA rated bonds).

Any brokerage house can hook you up with the recommended funds
Teri, if a stock attracts your attention because the price has been rising probably missed the boat.

The real risk/reward game if you want to "play" is looking for the ones that have recently come down hard and haven't rebounded yet.

I like to keep my eyes open for stocks that get hammered because of a single bad event, e.g., a bad quarter. A fast growth company with premium priced stock will have its stock price hit hard when they stumble. But one quarter usually does not spell disaster, and unless there is something fundamentally wrong with the company, you can often get a high return on your investment if you buy near the bottom.

One potential play is Netflix (NFLX). It is high risk because their are very tough competitors trying to crack the market, but the stock was recently punished hard due to a price war sparked by Blockbuster and WalMart. But, they are still the leader. And, as a customer, I can testify to the quality of their service. Check the link below for their six month chart.

Another: Krispy Kreme (KKD). I don't like this one as much because I never believed they should have been so highly valued in the first place. But the stock got crushed and if you've got "patient money," it may slowly rise back to respectibility in the coming years with careful management. Big risk, though, because of their accounting and franchise buy-back practices.

Don't use the rent money on these.

If you want diversity, try the Legg Mason Value Trust (LMVTX). This mutual fund has an outstanding history that somewhat mirrors the philosophy I described...they buy stocks that are under-valued for whatever reason.
Thanks Rich. After looking at NFLX, I may take a risk on them. Alot of my stocks that tanked are doing much better. I also might invest in a few solid companies like Chevron and Citigroup. They seem undervalued at the moment. The other one I really like is Electronic Arts. I think patience with them would pay off as they have no debt and I think they will rise when PS3 and XBox 2 comes out.
Before investing in Krispy Kreme, better look at the number of units they have, compared to a competitor like Dunkin D's.

I always thought they were overpriced, and would fall. Hot fresh KK's are special. After about an hour or so, they are just another donut.
