State Team Question

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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
I have a few questions for toxic, kb, and any other state team guys.

I know you go through the dealer for an application to get on the state team. I'm not looking at getting on the state team at the momemt. Maybe in a couple of years.

I was reading on the Nitro site that when you turn your application into the dealer you include your resume, photo, and a new boat order. Heres the question:

If you are on the state team do you have to buy a new boat every year? If I applied would I have to buy a new boat?

Again, at the time I'm not really looking into applying for the state team. I am looking into working at the BPS here in OKC in the fishing department while I'm in college.
My warranty runs out in 2008 on my 882. At that time I hope to be able to step up to a 901 or an 898. I plan to work at BPS as long as they want me, hopefully through college.

I hope they give me the oppurtunity to do seminars, that would give me a lot of expierence.

I guess my "plan" would be, work for BPS, gain a little expierence, in 2008 purchase a new Nitro and apply for the state team.

BJ -

Look into Toastmasters.

They are an organization set up to help individuals to develope their public speaking skills. There are only small membership dues to join any of the clubs.

I belonged to one here in St. Louis a number of years ago. We met once a month for dinner and then "competition" after dinner. The members of my club ranged all the way from an 80 year old retired lady to a VP from AG Edwards Investments. The contacts you would make could also serve you quite well.

No matter how much knowledge you may have, you've still got to be able to effectively communicate it or it will go to waste - even if from the top of a tank rather than a podium!
