stains in house carpet

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Thomas Macaluso

Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2000
Reaction score
With this nasty weather there is no way I can go fishing ,so I guess I have to do some domestic work:lol:. Does anyone have any suggestions how to get stains out of carpets ,I
Tom - We've had real good luck with Resolve spray. Wet the area, let it soak, then blot it up. They also, Resolve, make a granular version for very nasty stains that you rub it and let soak up the mess.

I'm sure Mrs. Tex (with Tex typing) will have some great suggestions, she's a chemist!! And has helped us a good deal!
I sold carpet and floor covering for about 10 years so I have answered many of these questions before. First of all DO NOT use any of the grocery store brand carpet cleaners like Resolve. They are soap based which contain petroleum and will leave an oily residue which will attract dirt later. Try to use plain hot water as much as you can and as little "carpet cleaner" as you can get away with. Also shy away from aerosol spot cleaners like Spot Shot. Spot Shot will disolve the latex binder that holds the tufts to the backer and create bald spots. You can use Spot Shot for though greasy stains but spray it on a rag and not directly on the carpet.

Here's a link that may help you.

thanks guys

Chris is your tournament on MC on Saturday or Sunday ? I think they are calling for heavy wind on Sunday. Should be fun up at MC:unsure:. I might go to Hopatcong on Sunday depending on the weather
Hapro - Thanks, i've always used Resolve and Spot Shot, but never knew about the long term issues, but did notice that the same spots seems to get dirty again, now it makes sense!!
I use just hot water in my cleaner and if we have a bad place call in the pros. With the pros doing the job my wife can't yell at me for not doing it right. After all if they can't get it out how's a mean mortal suspose too? Same with the boat cept no pros.

My carpet guy always tells me "It's not what you pu ON your carpet to clen it as much as it it is how you get the cleaner and stain OUT" Meaning most folks mistake is not getting the clearer out. That's why the pro's have those truck mounted wet vacs!! Ever since he told me that, I spot treat and use a clean shop vac to pull the water, cleaner and stain out.
