Spy photo of 2007 Tracker...a WINNER!!!

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Bill McElroy

Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2000
Reaction score
Check this bad boy out,.!!!

My hair is a lot shorter now and I've added a few pounds... Oh, and I painted the hull and got the registration numbers painted on...:D
Gene pool distribution was not too high, when this one was created.

Yeah Dan, some similar 'boats' like that here in SC also. He looks like he's all ready for Santee!

The troller looks a bit small for that rig. I'd upgrade to a 24V setup.
A little closed cell foam... a few bungee cords... I don't know... He looks pretty ingenious to me...
I like the battery under the seat concept, easy access.:)

The seat needs upgrading to leather. Other than that it's steal at $12,240.
Where can i get one? i can launch it from my nitro like a scout ship.
Throw a couple of rold holder on there, freeline some blue back herring on Lanier and hang on!! Surfs up!!!
man,...you guys are brutal....:angry:..keep in mind,..it's only a PROTOTYPE!! Many changes coming down the pipe!!;)
Can you imagine if he was the one who hooked into that 124# catfish? Think you might have to add some skis for that there floating chair!!:blink:
124 lb cat.....I believe that a very long snorkel would in order and some water proof S O S flares. :wacko:

All ya need now is a cool whip bowl for a live well and some kite string and a spark plug for a depth finder!

Just another thing to add to the controversy ! Now its gonna be Tin guys vs Glass guys vs FOAM Guys?:blink:
The payment for that rig is more what my wife had in mind when I bought my boat.

Well NH,...there is one thing that the glass, tin and foam crowd all have in common... BEEEER!!!!:lol:

Dang Mac....why'd ya have to go and post a pic of my new boat?!?! Times are tough, but I didn't want anyone to know!! LOL!!

Bob G.
Be still my heart and he owns a boat too.:wub: