Trust me,..Kevin works as hard or HARDER at promoting his sponsors and their products than ANYBODY in the business......the single biggest misconception in the entire industry is that the Big Dogs get FREE stuff, just because of who they are......NOBODY gets free stuff! I'm talking about "real sponsorship here" though,...not merely calling a company,..asking for a hat/patches and a few baits,..and then telling everybody you're "sponsored". As Mike mentioned, something is expected in return and for those real sponsorships,'s always spelled out contractually. NOBODY get's anything for FREE in this industry,...something is ALWAYS expected in return.,..especially if there's any long term relationship that you want to develop with a company. The more you're willing to do for a company and the higher value that can be placed on your services,..the better the "deal" or contract will be.,...but everything comes at a price.