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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
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I'm just wondering why a lot of the "glass guys" are under the wrong impression about the NEW aluminum rigs out there and how they ride. Guys..trust me...these are not the same flatbottom Jon boats they used years ago.

The first time I had my 185 out was in some pretty rough stuff. We were fishin' in a protected channel and two guys in an older Cajun Bassboat were conversing with us and catchin'fish right along side me and my wife. Well the guys get ready to leave and his older 150 Rude was coughin' a little so he decided to take her out and blow the carbon out. They take off and I see them run across the bay but, not out far and are back pretty quick. Needless to say these guys were drenched! Now I had never had mine out in rough water since it was only a couple weeks old.

I just went ahead and run her out around the island full throttle and back in some pretty rough stuff...when I returned I had a big smile and was dry. The guys in the Cajun even said,"for aluminum that's as good as it gets". I'm happy with my ride...I've rode in some glass that didn't ride as well. Now how's that for worms? :)

I dont have that impression. A good friend of mine has a 185 and we have had it out in some pretty nasty stuff. It indeed does well in rough water. Its a wet ride but not like a flat bottom. Where i live we get planty of 2-3' + days and we have had his boat in them plenty naver had a problem. It does ride well for a alum rig, does it ride as well as my glass boat of the same 18'2" size? Nope not even close, my 15'7" glass rode better too.
You're right Tee. I'm amazed at how well my PT185 rides on some pretty rough water. I have never had the pleasure of riding in some of the high dollar bass rigs that are out there but I do remember the flat nosed tin boat that my brother-in-law used to have that made you wish you had a wetsuit or the old tri-hull Bayliner a buddy of mine had that felt like you were dragged down a gravel road.

Oh man... my old 94" Pro Team 18 (basically a Jonboat) it would jar your ribs in a 1 ft.chop! LOL I had to get rid of it... I finally beat about three rivets out of it and traded. Best move I've made in a while...:)

If you guys think your 185 rides nice in chop...

Well now...let me tell you about the TV-18!!!

Cuts right through the chop...

smooth and dry...

give one a try if you ever get a chance...

I do agree with Andy, I can say that my tv-18 does great in rough water but that is about all I can say good about it...oh it sure was nice looking when it was new.
With my TV-18 I can now fish rough water situations that would keep me at the ramp with my old TX-17. I'm also a lot drier, and don't get beat up. Everyone who rides in my TV-18 is impressed that it's aluminum. It's also real stable. I can stand on the deck near the gunnels and it never gets "tippy" like the old TX-17. So far, I've been satisfied.
my buddy has a 17'6" crestliner fishhawk and I think it's the best riding fishing boat I have been in, granted I havnt been in many boats other than mine which is a 15'6" hydra sport glass boat and it rides terrible.I personally just prefer the glass bass boats because of the layout and there damn sexy in my opinion.