Spamming re-vived:(

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
Reaction score
Just wanting to touch on what looks like a "sore subject", including me. I don't own a computer so most of my e-mails and threads come from here at work on a gov't computer. So hopefully this spamming will not become an issue...I only recieved one but, the individual who sent it may get more than they bargained for if it continues:(



I recieve a lot of spam regarding crap I have no interest in. A few times I have tried to trace these people and raise

hell but it's always a dead end.

Yes I'll admit what we did advertise to people who own

Trackers and Nitros about a new product available, OK "Spam" but go to my profile on this site and you can

email or call me direct to vent your anger. You can even

call toll free. I'm not in hiding and I've been picked on

by experts so call and give me a good verbal thrashing

if it will help you vent. I bet not too many spammers will

make you that kind of offer.

TEE are you in Military? I was in Air Force, F4 Phamtom was

state of art back then. By the way, as Vietnam Vet, I will give an unbelievable discount to any active military folks.


No..I'm just a little ol' civilian:) And no...the gov't frowns upon spamming these days and that is exactly what that is regardless of the defense drawn.

We live in a time when instant communication will provide

benefits for mankind unlike any other technology in history. Those who do not take advantage of its tremendous

business advantages simple will not be around in future.

"Spamming" "junk in mail" "telemarketing"

Reality Check. It works. It's real. When it quits working it

will be gone,but I can assure you some other form will replace it. A free enterprise system simple cannot thrive

without it.

You will also get a lesson in how small the professional/tournament fishing world really is...
What does progress & free enterprise with got to do with spamming?

And BTW it doesn't work!..That's why I and about 30 million others recieve so much junk mail and crap thru the year that we can't figure out what to do with it. Same goes for phone calls or junk e-mail. Bottom line is...I didn't ask for it....I don't want it.. and nor will I accept some sales pitch about progress...gimme a break!

Examine very closely what you just wrote and tell if

you see any contradiction.

Here goes, full force.

As long as the spam is legal, and last I heard, the law required something in the subject identifying it as UCE or spam, a legit from address, and a method of removal. As long as the message complies (or is sent from off-shore), all you can do is complain.

I'm tired of all the spam too, but sometimes, by golly, "when in Rome...."

Welcome to Rome.

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