Sorry we have been missing lately, Stacey had her Gall Bladder taken out

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John Foster

Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2000
Reaction score
We have been missing in action for a few weeks due to Stacey not feeling well and Finally having her Gall Bladder removed on Thursday Evening.

It took over a week and a half for the doctors to decide to remove it. And then she spent three days in the hospital just waiting to have the operation.

She still doesn't feel that great but she is getting better. So we have been just trying to lay low and let her get some rest.

Take care.

WOW, took them 3 days??? Speedy recovery wished!!! Godspeed!!!

Lemme share an encouraging Brother-in-law (and partner) and I were gearing up for a tourney one Monday when I didn't get a return call from him...on Wednessday of that week, I called and was told he had been in the hospital and was in surgery to have his gall-bladder removed...He fought the doctors for a Thursday release and was bound and determined to fish the tourney that started Saturday morning.

low and behold, medication, pain, blue and black stomach and all-he fished both days of the tourney (took a well deserved nap around 1pm on Saturday)

He was whipped at the end but hung in there...(of course we didn't run too long or ride rough water)

I hope Stacey's recovery goes as well as his did!!!
Hi, Hope that all goes well from here... Thoughts and prayers are with you...
Please extend to Stacey my best wishes for a quick recovery!
Best wishes to Stacey, John!

A card is in the mail.

Anyone else -

If you'd like to send Stacey, Goddess of the NTOWS, a card, send me an e-mail and I'll give it to you.

As before list "NTOWS/Stacey" in the title line so I don't delete it.

[email protected]
John - Tell Stacey to get well quick, i've got a batch of India Pale Ales and Brittish Bitter's just waiting for her at my place.
