Son joined the Navy

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2000
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Underwood Iowa
Hard to believe but my son joined the Navy over spring break. He Leaves one month after he graduates from Iowa State. It just seems like yesterday when I took him for his first day of kindergarten. Sniff.

you can be very proud. he is doing something important. does he have a choice of specialty made yet. with his degree in hand thet should be eager to accommodate him.

A two year training program for computers, which is what his degree will be in. Then he has the option to go officer. In anycase he wants sub duty. He scored 98 out of 99 on his entrance examins. 22 is average. They will pay up to $48,000 for his school loans.

The thought of being in a rubberized sewer pipe gives me the chills. I sailed on the top part of the ocean.


computer/data/network stuff is a good choice. I have tro8ble finding good help.

sub duty does not appeal to me either. but that is cool if he wants it...sounds like he is getting a good deal. great that he will outrank you:lol:
You should be proud. My son-in-law spent 8 years in the Navy. He got alot of training, and got his degree after he got out. The Navy paid for it all. He just got another promotion, and is making a ton of money. I hope your son does the same.


I retired with 27 years in submarines. It is a different Navy form the targets. LOL.

Congrats to you and your son! Pass on a big thanks to him :)

Congrats Mike, to you, your son and your family. It's a proud day when a fine American takes up the call to defend our great nation. Even with the "snifs", I have no doubt your chest is puffed up like any proud Dad! God Bless.

Sounds like a fine young man with a bright future ahead. You are justifiably proud.

Start getting back in form: "Aye aye, sir!" :)

Your son sounds like he's 'squared away' fatrap! You must be very proud. Please tell him Thank You for me ok?

Uncle Billy
Congrats 'Rap.....very cool!! My brother graduated from the USNA and served for 20+ yrs with the USMC and SEAL Team 2. Also had a cousin who was the CO on a Sub in the Pacific in the early 70's. My Dad was on a Minesweeper off the east coast in WWII. My maritime experience is limited to canoes and bass boats...searching for insurgent smallies!!.:cool:

Hi-5's to your son!!:);)


Thank that young man for me, please. And thank you fatrap for raising such a fine young American!

Kudos to you and your son Mike! God Bless him and all our servicemen. I can only imagine how high off the ground you're floating on pride. Great job!!

Im sure he will make the most of it. God Bless your boy.

I retired from the fly boy side of the NAVY (H-46 Helicopters).

Be sure and thank him for his service. It's nice to know that we still have young people willing to serve.
You know how you have those "free thought associations" sometimes. Well I got to thinking of how "unpopular" Toxic would have been in a sub!
Now Greg, don't be too quick to judge....Just what if, when a sub wanted to fool a ship on the surface by discharging oil and debris to make them think they had sunk the sub, I mixed in a little of my toxic brew. There would be no doubt on the surface that there was something dead under the surface!!:lol::lol: I could be a very good secret weapon!!

Sounds like you got a good one there fatRap, thank him for his service.

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