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Tony Payne

Well-Known Member
May 16, 2002
Reaction score
By those not fortunate enough to have the fishing bug...

"Just why do you get out of bed at 4:30AM on the weekend to go fishing?"

All I can say is this:


Beyond the wonderful adventure my wife and I have each and every trip... images like this are all too easily missed by those that choose to sleap in.

AMEN Simmy!:cool:

A bad day fishin' is still better than,,,,,,,well.....just about anything!:wub:


There's no such thing as a bad day fishing...

Catching might be off... but Fishing is always good!
After a day of ice fishing and only catching a couple of little bluegills my 12 year says " it beats sitting on the couch dad!". Thats what it's all about folks.

You hit the nail on the head, there has been so many times that I come home from these trips and show pictures or videos from the camcorder and the people all tell me, Now I see why you like it so much.... Every time out there is something new to see or different animals to look at and listen to. That is ( at least for me) what its all about.... I've slowed down on the tournaments lately just to go to new places and take in the scenery more..... Its so relaxing... Thanks for sharing the pic, looks beautiful...

Is that Dunn Island on the left? Beautiful pic.

I was at the end of the rainbow once at Guntersville. It ended right across the cove from me. Once the weather slowed I went across and fished it of course but didn't get the 10lber I had hoped for but what timing and the beauty around me.

I'll give ya' that Sim:lol:

Headed to Lake Erie Tursday and Friday...WooHoo FISH ON!:cool:

Dunn Island is behind the camera in this pick....
I agree 100%. I got up at 3:30 Saturday morning and drove about 150 miles each direction and burned about $75 worth of fossil fuel to catch two 2 1/2# bass; not a good deal some would say. I know I could have eaten at the best seafood resturant in town for much less but I think it was a bargin...Here's what I got for my money....I got to spend the whole day with my 16 year old son (who's time is very precious), I saw a snake swim through the water and climb a tree, I saw a racoon foraging around the bank looking for crawdads and mussels and finally scored something, I got to experiance the joy of having my son snag my cell phone (clipped to the windshield) and cast it into the water (along with every business contact I have) and resist the urge to rant and rave and cuss and teach him restrant and show him I not such an a--hole afterall, I got to listen to some of the music that 16 year olds think is cool, and I got to play him some Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young and hear him say "That's pretty good, why haven't you played that for me before?" Yes, I would say it was a great day and money well spent.:rolleyes:

"Just why do you get out of bed at 4:30AM on the weekend to go fishing?"

I simply say, "If I have to explain , you'd never understand."

I think that's why I am so picky about my fishing partners. I enjoy so much besides the actual catching fish.

The Wonder Dog seems to know. On those foggy mornings when the birds are just waking up, and the water is like a sheet of glass. I swear I can see him smiling as he sits there on the back deck.

Maybe that's why I fish with him more than anybody else.

That's VERY true Steve! My lil' fishin' buddy is always ready to go and he never complains:lol:
"Dear God,...please make it nice tomorrow morning so my Daddy takes me and our doggy fishing,....Amen":wub:
