
  • Thread starter Bob G. [IMG]
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Bob G.

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2000
Reaction score
Ok, I know it's not a real big fish, but it's the first bass that I've caught over 3 pounds in a while. Weighed 3lbs 11oz. Of course, I never catch fish like this in our club tourneys!! That's why I just fish for fun!! LOL!!

It rained off and on all day today, but cleared enough to get a few hours of fishing in after work without getting wet. We caught a few dinks and a few keepers and this one was the biggest. Only saw 3 other boats on the lake in the distance.

Bob G.
Nice fish... Especially on a day when I left the house at 7:15 and came back at 1:00 AM...all work no fishing...
Sweet One Bob. I catch LMs bigger than that all year long, but I would take that smallie anyday of the week.
Bob - Nice fish!! Bigger then any fish i've caught since the Rally! LOVE those smallies!!

Getcha a limit of them thar fishes and you'll win one of those club tourneys Bob. Nice one.
Nice Pants :). You norfers are making me want to come up there and play in smallie-land. was 64 for a high here yesterday, and a low of 49
You can tell it's a nice fish because Bob is almost smiling...LOL
The night before, my buddy caught no less than 7 in the 3.5 to 4+ pound range in the same area. He even called me to go out, but I just put my boat away from taking my kids tubing and my son had a baseball game! LOL!!!

Ken and Marke, I thought I WAS smiling!!! HA!!

Trep, I told you about that big rally fish jinx!!! You caught the fish of your life and I'v caught a bunch of bass since the rally!! LOL!!!

Bob G.
Is that a smile trying to pry its way out?????

Nice brownie my friend!
Nice one Bob.

It has been TOO long since I have held a fish that big.