Sleeping beauties!!!

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Ken Neeley

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2001
Reaction score
MVM and Bass 001.jpg

MVM and Bass 002.jpg
Why do they still have eyebrows????


P.S Never mind Carlos still has one eye open............
Man, good thing there's no audio available 'cause the snoring must of been like thunder.

Da Bear
How many of those long necked tranquilizers did they take?

great pics.

Neeley, what's up with removing the pictures? You afraid of little ole Tox & Mac.. It couldn't be more then 700#'s between the two of them....:D

Oh crap....I deleted them from my library accidentally!!!

I'll repost them when I get home!!!
They must be so ugly they broke the website !!!!!!!!!!!!!!:p
Yo Mac....wanna take a sick day and go fishing tomorrow???

83 degrees!!!
I'm sure at one point during the weekend, thier eyes looked just like that!!!
They're back.....but be very quiet, the little tykes need their rest!!!
Man, I can think of at least one thing wrong with that title!

Rich D
It was the couch I say!! Had NOTHING to do with anything else!!

I will get ya for that one Ken!!! HAHAHAHA
