Skiing with a PT175?

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Apr 23, 2005
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Has anyone or does anyone know if it's possible to pull a waterskier with a 50hsp on a PT175? Thanks guys.
Don't know but my PT-17 with a 40hp does 29 mph fully loaded and jumps out of the hole.

So what would a 50hp do? 32 or 33 or so? Why couldn't that pull a skier? Especially if it's a dry take off and you don;t have to pull them out of the water.

Mike - I've not yet tried the Skis, but give me 2 months and i'll let you know!! The kids want a pair of the attached training ski's for this summer.

I'd have to agree 100% with Pat (imagine that, I agree with Pat!) that it REALY depends on the load. I've been pulling tubes with my 175 with a 40hp for 4 years. ONLY problem was a friends 250lb teenager, i could NOT get that kid up on that tube (or my boat on Plane) with out a LOT of strategy!! ONLY way I could do it, was to have a LOT of slack tow line, take off going SIDEWAYS to give me more room to get on plane and then YANK that kid up!!! Now i've since installed a SE Sport 200 foil so I don't know how much it will help.

But if we're talking the kids 1 at a time, probably, adults - don't think so, unless as Pat mentions you get a different pitch prop with a LOT of lowend pull.

2 years ago we got a ski boat with a 90 and had problems with all of the adults. No, I didn't even try!! I woulda pulled the transom off!!

I used to ski behind a Quachita 14' with stick steering and a 25HP 'rude. Took a while to get up on the skis (one ski is impossible to get up on with a 25) but once you were up it would pull you at about 15 MPH.

No much speed but it would cool you off when the bass weren't playing.

I now have a PT175 with a 50 and don't care to ski anymore. I'd rather go home and drink a cool one. How things change...:)
Give me a couple months and ask again... I have a PT175 with a 75 merc... I think it will work but the test will confirm...

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