Ski Trip

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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
The ski trip was fun, just a few little is the story.

We left last friday at 1:00 and traveled with friends to Raton New Mexico. We got up Saturday and drove to Crested Butte. We checked into the condo and checked out our ski equipment. I got up Sunday and my sister and I enrolled in a all day ski class. We went to the class and we both caught on very quickly. The instructer took the 5 of us to lunch and after lunch he was going to take us to the mountain. We went up and he started showing us how to ski down..NO PROBLEM...I loved it, I just got VERY tired and my legs about gave out. We got to the bottom and there was still time to go back up and come down before the class was over. I figured I could do it. We went up and skied half way down and went up another lift to take us to a little bigger green. We started going down and he showed us another way to turn (parallel). On my first try I went down the hill turned my right ski left and my left ski right. I fell and twisted my right knee. Both skis came off and I tumbled a few feet down the hill. My instructer came down and asked if I was ok. My knee was sore but that was it. I told him I could have gotten up but he was more worried about my knee. He said it would be better to be safe than sorry. He called for a snowmobile. I didn't have to ride the basket..I just sat on the snowmobile behind the driver. That was the end of day one of skiing...I didn't really care for it too much because I could hardly walk.

Day 2-I got up and skied with my sister and her two friends down a couple of greens. We did that till noon stopped and had lunch in the condo. They went back out and I stayed in with my parents and friends because my legs were SORE and my knee was still sore but not so bad that I couldn't walk.

Day 3- I wake up my legs are not as sore and my knee is fine. I get up and ski the greens...I really liked the greens. We went in for lunch and a friend of mine was detirmined to get me on a blue before we left. After lunch we went up to the top and he told me he would stay with me for the blue. It was one point I took my skis off and walked down this steep hill. But anyway I got through it and skied greens the rest of the way down.

Day 4 traveled home.

The food there was great. I had elk tenderloin at one place we ate at and this REALLY good chicken fried steak and another place.

I am ready to go back, just to do the greens, maybe after I learn to parallel ski better I will start doing blues.

OH-BTW-the snowmobile ride was a blast!!!!!!!!!!!!
On my first ski trip (I was in high school)I did a full face plant. Its one of those things "not to do"that you read on the little card next to the bed on the nightstand.

I was cruising down a green slope just really starting to feel comfortable with my skills when I ran through a depression in the snow. I was standing straight up and not prepared for the dip. My skis came to an abrupt hault but my body didn't. Arms went out legs went out and that is how I landed in the snow. I got up and looked down at this impression of a "sky diver" in the snow. I wasn't hurt and it turned out to be pretty funny.

Haven't been in many years but my wife says she would like to go. Working out for a few months is definetly recommended before shiiing. Skiing will work out muscles that you didn't know you had.

Glad you had fun BJ, you will be on the blues in no time,

Sounds like you had a really good time. I was so disgusted with the whole thing I swore I'd never go back...but I did and eventually got to be pretty good. When I quit I was sking on 207's and could handle any of the blacks but prefered the blues because I could run faster. When you go back, if you ever get on a slope that is too steep just go back to a full snow plow and work your way down. I'll never forget my trip to Canada. One day at a place called Sunshine Village (because they were hopeing to get some someday) it was a very cold day. We had been skiing on the lower runs but my buddy and I wanted to go to the top. We took the series of lifts and the higher we got the colder it got. At the very top the wind was blowing the snow up off the mountian and the thermometer was reading -12, I have no idea what the wind chill was but it was clearly dangerous to be out there. Wow! what fun!!

Sh-h-h-h..... Don't let him know that, Tom..... He's young and dumb..... He can do anything if you don't tell him he can't! LOL!!

But what about the snow bunnies, BJ?
Hey BJ

Hope you had a great time.

Never been skiing. Im sure I would try it once but I like motors snowmobiles.


P.S. Did you find any snow hunnies...opps I mean Bunnies.

No snow bunnies sorry guys

I will post some pictures later.

No snow bunnies?

1600+ Adults on this board are trying to live out their fantasies of their youth through you, BJ.....

.....and you let them all down.....

Your punishment for that.....

You've got to go back to driving a Ranger!