Simnitro...Dale info!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
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Hey Simmy...didn't get a whole lot of Dale info(may not need it) but, my dad and I found us a place to buy! It's right on Mill Creek out of Celina(no city taxes). It's about 10 minutes from the ramp and a good location. It's about one acre with a two bedroom trailer in pretty good shape with a huge deck off the back overlookin' a creek(great scernery with turkey and deer EVERYWHERE)! It's not bad at all so me and pop are really gonna' persue it after he talks to mom. I'm sure she'll agree after she sees what kind of investment it is...can't go wrong even if ya' don't keep it.

I didn't get a chance to check with our lodge contact...we was told that some of the cottages were sold but, don't sweat...we got plenty of friends with different places to's never an issue.

Did get to look at the's drawed down where it should but, dont know what the temps are.

Why don't you give me a call sometime within the next week or so @ (937) 864-0302 and we'll get things lined up....BTW Billy Ray our good friend is not long for this world and he knows it. It's pretty sad but, all things considered seemed in pretty good spirits for a man dyin' of cancer. Damn that stuff anyway...hope we get a cure for it one of these days with God's blessings!

Hey Tee...

Will call you later in the week to talk.

As far as temps go, we went to Cumberland yesterday, water temps started at 75 in the am and never went beyond 77/78 at the end of the day. Granted it was a fairly overcast day, but temps are falling...

I was surprised at how far back in the creeks the fish were.

here's a picture of a 5# smallie (18" keeper on Cumberland caught yesterday) to help get your heart thumpin.
Nice fish Sim...your a riot dude...what's with the sock feet? Were you using stink bait LOL? That's good to hear about the temps....yeah I'm gonna' have to get out this weekend and check everything out good. Haven't had mine out for any serious fishin' since early in the year just too busy lately. One thing's for sure..if we get that place..we'll have a place to stay basically free..woohoo! That counts for alot whe ya' wanna run down for a couple I'm hopin' I'll stay sane thru year-end closeout...come on October!

I'm usually am home after 4...if I'm not there just leave a message...take care and we'll see ya' soon!

sock feet? A picture of a 5# smallie and you notice my socks? I think there is something wrong with your priorities?

I often fish barefoot, this picture was taken during a transition period.

Good luck on the cabin/land thing, sounds like a dream to me... one of these days I'll get something alot closer to water, but then, no one will likely hear from me (or my sock feet) for days at a time!
Good one Sim LOL! I couldn't see for the forrest for your feet..wheweee! Hey I noticed that fish don't have a lot of dark markings...did it come out of a little deeper water?

I've caught a few in the fall that really have no markings...just kind of a greenish color that come out of deeper water.

I don't know "where" the fish was, but he was on almost as soon as the lure hit the water, un on a point with big rock bolders.

Water color here was a bit dirtier, and we were in 20 feet at the time.

Gotta love them ol' brownfish.