Selling Archery Equipment

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Bill Hamilton

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
I used to be a bow hunter but gave it up a couple of years ago. I have LOTS of stuff that I will never use again and am interested is selling it. Can the illustrious board members here give me some tips on how to sell and what things may be worth.

Your help is always appreciated.


If you send me a list of what you have, or post it here, I'd be happy to make recommendations of what you should ask for it (as well as seperate, albeit lower, prices on things I might want. :lol: )

There are quite a few sites I can recommend. Some better than others. Depends on what type of equipment you are selling (traditional / modern).

All the best,

Oh - as with most things, but particulary archery equipment, pictures sell items a whole bunch faster than just words.


Belly, back and tips of traditional equipment.

Both cams, as well as the riser and all accessories on compounds.

Fletching end of arrows

All the best,

Glenn - Thanks! I will begin putting lists together and take some pics so I can post them and send them to you as well.

I'm always interested in archery equipment, but I'd be happy to steer you in the right direction for the sites to post on that will give you the most exposure. I frequent several. Looking forward to seeing what you have for sale.

All the best,

Also, do you have youth or ladies equipment?

One granddaughter is 12 and is learning fast.


ps She hit bull a number of times for me last weekend, but stated that she hasn't a Robin Hood yet. LOL

CQ - Interesting that you ask the question. While NOT a youth model it is a compound bow but was set up at only a 48 pound draw with 75% let off. I have two VERY bad shoulders and could NOT draw back a 60-70 pound bow. While not the best bow in the world (Golden Eagle) it has been a great one for me and has allowed me to kill more than 30 deer with it.

I am currently up to my alligators with work but promise to take pictures soon. It comes with a hard case, soft case, 20+ Easton arrows and case, field points and broadheads, and a whole bunch of other stuff. I will detail all the stuff also.


Bill I think in the day a Golden Eagle was a Fred Bear bow and quite a good one at that, don't sell yourself short.;)