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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
big SIGH.....

havent been around in a while....been caught up in so much school work...

tonight i have-Reading assignment, quiz/test in the same class, Dating assignment (we are having a two week seminar on dating and marriage in my class...complete with homework), Finish an accounting assignement..and do an At home test over accounting, then to top it all off...a nice Anatomy assignment..

Sad thing....thats gonna look small compared to some college assignments probably....

Well its back to work..just wanted to stop in and say hello

Guess what? Some people go to school all their lives. Lets see. After High School. Boot Camp, Navy Damage Control school. Then Firefighting refresher schools. Then college for a degree, then another then a master's then recertifications classes every summer and fall for almost thirty years. BJ, guess what I have to do this summer? Go to school. Heck I even went BASS fishing college. Life is school and goes on your entire exsistance. School of marriage, school of rough knocks, this is all good if you of the right school of mind. Embrace it grasshopper.

And one of these here days I is gonna sound edjeecated.


BJ - I'm with Fatrap, the difference is once you are out of high school and college you'll be taking classes you WANT for learning things YOU want to learn and work! I just booked a 3 day class on financial management in Charolotte to keep my certification at IBM.

Trep, When is your trip? If it near the weekend maybe we can hook up in Raleigh and I can show you how to catch a fish over 6 lbs. lol
I'm getting to that point where I need a break....Havent been fishing is over a month...had school work up the wazzoo....first tourny isnt until march although the club meeting is sunday.


Where/when did you go to Damage Control school? I arrived at DC "A" school at NDCTC Philly in Dec '71.

I graduated from Damage Contol A school in Philly in Dec 1970. I came from the USS Purdy DD 734 and left for USS Marias AO 57. We stayed in the new barracks. Did you ever wet your whistle at the Dolphin Club on Broad Street? Some very talented tassle twirlers.


Remember the "Buttercup"
Hang in there BJ,

When I took an accounting class in high school I thought it must be the equivilant of being in hell. I remember saying that I would never be an accountant.

Well guess what.....I am an accountant! And I like very much.


HOW IN THE WORLD DO YOU FILL OUT A FORM 941????????????????????????????????
You fill out a 941 with a blonde in the passenger's seat. That's easy. A 941 is a Porsche isn't it?


Small world isn't it! I left Philly and then went to SDiego for 12 wks of Phase II (Shipfitter school). Left there in May '72. Yep, made it into the Dolphin Club a couple of times (I was underage). After SDiego I reported to the USS Severn (AO-61) in Newport, RI, for my first sea tour.

Almost forgot; the "Buttercup" was great (cold water & all)! Loved it no matter how many times we had to do it :)
Wolfcount your an Accountant too?

Corporate,Public ?

BJ, go to the IRS website to get instructions on form 941, it s/b there.

BTW - what's a from 941.
okay, I'll check email later tonight at home (i'm at work at the moment). the weather is about 70 right now, slight breeze, so the wife and I are gonna go up the road right after work and drop our hooks in the local lake. tomorrow the weather is supposed to drop back into the 40's.
Form 941 is a quarterly federal tax return that businesses fill out.


i dont want to be an accountant...i want to own my own businesse...i have to be able to read the books....
CJL, corporate accounting....Oilfield. I spent 8 years in government accounting....LOL thats an oxymoron.

BJ, Its been years since I filled out a 941, but I think that the form 941 is used to reconcile/report payroll taxes. A company pays its share of payroll taxes on a monthly basis and then fills out a quarterly 941 to verify that all is correct, and submit additional taxes if necesarry.

Oh yes now I remember form 941, I concur with Wolfcount it is for Payroll Taxes.

Wolf, has the Sarbanes/Oxley act impacted you yet!
Impacted is not the word for it, it has changed everything we do and has created tons of paper work that makes my job not fun. I spend way too much time in front of a copy machine thanks to SOX 404!

I can see where some good will come of it but all it does is make additional work for the company who is already doing things the right way.

I have heard that some companies are really hurting due to SOX, but I don't feel for them because it means that they were not up to par to begin with. It will weed out the bad eggs for sure, and prevent future "Enron" scandals.

What has been the affect on your end?

Chris and Wolf -

For those of us who's accounting abilities stop at balancing a check book..... What are you guys talking about?

In a nut shell.....government required "CYA" The government has decided that they need to prevent companies from pulling an Enron(cooking the books) and have handed down new policies if you will for companies to follow when it comes to accounting. If you your financial statements aren't what you say they are you (CEO & CFO) get to go to jail.

Gone are the days of CEO's saying "well I didn't know we couldn't do that"

Others may be able to add to this vary vague and incomplete description.

BJ..... I have been In school most all my life In some form..Teck,schools, college's and refresher classes..It's the only way to survive In this world..A college degree will only get you employeed,It won't support you...In the Immortal words of Rodney Dangerfield STAY IN SCHOOL IT"S ROUGH OUT THERE !!!!!!!!!!!! JR
So is this a form that the CEO has to sign off on to say he agrees with the accounting principals used and the posted results?

How does that generate so much additional work?

Every company function that has any external financial statement impact must be internally tested and an opinion must be issued from a public accounting firm. The representation letter is signed by the tester,reveiwer and everyone above. Everyone would be held accountable for the work performed. Still, in my opinion it's "Gospel" and a huge cash cow for the public accounting firms.
