school cheerleaders

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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
Tonight on ABC with Peter Jennings (5:30 central time) the cheerleaders at my school will be on.

I think they interviewed a couple of different squads. My school is Christian Heritage Academy.

Thought ya'll might be interested to see a glimpse of the school i'll be graduating from in 24 days.

You assume you'll be graduating...I talked to the Head Master...he's not so sure.

;) Harpo
The cheerleader they interviewed from my school (the blonde) her dad is the president of the board of trustees. Their family is good friends of mine, i talked to him yesterday. He signed my diploma!!!!!!!

kinda exciting!!!!


-ok so it didnt show as much as the school as we thought it would..but you got a glimpse of part of the school.
So..... Now that we all know where it's being held..... Are you going to invite us all to the graduation? We have played somewhat of a role in your upbringing, ya know! :rolleyes:

yeah those announcement thingys....i still have those...i need to send those out.

I dont think ya'll would want to come.....its not a normal graduation. It averages 3 and a half hours long!

They speak, and talk, and sing, then they present the class, they talk about each student, then give the diploma, then the prez of the board turns the "Stringy thing" ontop of our hat (what is that thing called..tassel?) then we sit down. Then they talk somemore and go on and on.....

I've only been to one graduation at my school. I was in the 7th grade and in the choir. We were required to come because we had to sing with the highschool choir. I promised myself to never attend another graduation until it was my
can i drive my bass tracker to watch? will there be boat parking? haw haw haw.....wooooooo wweeeeeeeee !!!!!! just humor guys nutin meant but laughs
that would be sweet to go out in the parking lot and see a bunch of trucks and boat trailers!!!
BJ, remeber who you are talking to...this could be arranged....LOL. This board is capable of anything.

Now as for my graduation in 409 days everybody is invited to it. Come one come all. I cant wait to blow that popcorn stand they call a school. Anyhow.....

Good luck with graduation BJ.....As for school cheerleaders....dated a overrated the right word??

tsk tsk....cheerleaders overrated? what is the younger generation coming to? lol

Okay....maybe overrated wasnt such a good word choice. I guess if you are looking for somebody blonder than paris my guest....LOL. NAAA im just kiddin....cheerleaders are good fun....I like'em a lot if ya know what I mean......;) :eek: :p


Wear your galoshes, young man.....better safe than sorry.
Oh Im all over that shizzle Neely...dont have to worry bout that...

Is that what you youngsters call them now....."shizzle's"???

When I was a strapping young lad, we called 'em Rubber's!!!:D
I have wasted much of my life in the company of ignorant men and boring men and often times treacherous men but I have never regretted one moment in the arms of a beautiful women.


If we can get BJ to comment, I believe he will tell you he got very good advice here... We all told him to slow down and savor this last year. I believe that he has. I have certainly enjoyed, and am thankful to him for, his sharing most of his printable experiences. I hope you will do the same.

Both of you are fine young men and have proven yourselves here and have deserved our acceptance of you as equals. Respect is always earned as you have.

Bj rest assured we will all be with you as proud friends of a fine graduate...

Now, in the words of Mac's hero...Larry The Cable Guy... Git-R-Done...
Ditto what Greg thoughts exactly, but I didn't feel like typing all that!!!
Greg hit it on the head.

There are 44 people in my class. 14 girls......

Yes i've just kinda slowed down and enjoyed my senior year...and guess what.


and i wasnt implying that ya'll werent invited to my graduation (sry for the miscomunication)

44 people?

I graduated with nearly 800!

Congratuations B.J. I'm glad your senior year was a good one. Hope your future is bright and rewarding. It seems every generation has to face great challenges that affect the outcome of the world. I'm sure your generation will meet them and overcome them as others before you have. Good luck.


Take it easy on the cheerleaders TRAVIS! I have a college and arena football cheerleader daughter. I'll get the cheer Dad mafia after you.

There were 256 in my class,......and I was #75 in GPA. (w/a "B-" avg....LOL) :wacko:

(yeah,.......we had SEVERAL idiots in our class!!LOL!) :blink:

You dont have to worry about me now....its fishin' season!!! And to tell you the truth, I have a lot of respect for girls in general and even more for their parents. But thats a whole different subject...LOL.

As for my class, I beleave we have somewheres around 900 kids. Around 2000 total in the school. And come senior year, I am going to savor it as much as possible, I have had a small taste of the real world pulling 10-14 hour days during the summer working construction for my dad, pays decent to support myself but not enough for a family. So senior year my nose is going to the grindstone.

Sorry about the post HIJACK BJ. Carry on.

BJ. Did you watch the National Cheer Championships last week. AWSOME. They are guys the size of sumo wrestlers.

I didnt watch the national cheer champs...

I dont do a whole lot of tv....

i'm always on the comp....
