Rick ,we've never really had scheduled chats here, but what some people do is just leave a mssage that they are in the chat room. So if your going to be on your PC for a while just post it, and leave the chat room up in a open window. This board's vivited regularly so someone will find you! Mike
I'd love to but I have Statistics from 5:30 to 8 and then Organizational Behavior from 8:05 to 10:30 on Mon/Wed for the next 8 weeks. That reminds me, I'll have finals the week after the Rally... You guys won't think I'm a geek if I'm studying at the Naked Turtle while drinking C&L's will you? LOL
Marke...I'm 50+++ and still going to school...on an almost constant basis...If I don't the "kids" I work with will know even "more"...more than me...and it will be obvious...I don't need for my boss to realize that his belief that I am indispensible is a "myth"...