SC Federation, our club - direction

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Texas Transplant

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2001
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX
Our club met last night to tidy up after the year. This was our results (and also some SC Federation news.

SC Federation - will stay with BASS for 2006. Awaiting info on Irwin Jacobs offer, and will sometime next year evaluate and make recommendations.

Our Club

Voted almost unamiously to stay with the Federation and BASS. Same as above on looking at the Jacobs offer.

Elected new officers - which means I'm finally out of the Sect'y job for awhile.:wub::wub::wub:

Set our Tournament Committee, which sets our trail on 1/7/06.

Reviewed by-law and rules changes. 10 suggested. Probably about 8 will pass. Mostly minor changes.

As most clubs go, the attendance was down quite a bit. Probably be the same in January. We start back fishing tourneys in February.

All for now.

Im sort of surprised that the SC fed decided to stick with BASS, from what im told there were only a few states that chose to seperate from TBF and stay with BASS. It looks like SC is one of them. The number from what im told by someone "in the know" was 3 maybe 4 states.

It looks like just about every club in my state supports the Mass federation staying with TBF and whatever direction is chosen by them. My club voted on our direction on Monday and we were in all in favor of breaking away from BASS, my club has been BASS affiliated for over 20+ years.
I think the Michigan Fed. chose to stay with BASS...for what reason, I have NO idea. But I seriousley doubt I'll be joining in 2006....will have to wait and see. :(
I attended our NYS Federation meeting and they took a wait and see attitude. Send in the basics and wait and see what happens at their next national federation meeting. Some times cooler heads do prevail.:angry:
A big part of our reason is the current bylaws (we generally try and read/follow them). It REQUIRES anyone entering a SC Federation tourney to be both a member of the SC Federation and BASS. We do not have the ability to change the rules right now. That can be done next year.

Given that, if we were to have a trail, it would be hard to follow the rules if we didn't stay with BASS - at least for right now.

It's really a wait and see attitude.

Just wondering how many other Federations (state), actually looked at their rules and acted accordingly. The reason I ask, is that most state Federations, have basically the same rules.

Tex, you make a good point on the bylaws. I dont know if our fed has even thought about that. I know in my club bylaws you have to be a BASS member, just the one that gets you bassmaster mag.