
  • Thread starter William H. (Bill) Barham
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William H. (Bill) Barham

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
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Well, I was hoping to maybe drive to Anna very early Saturday Morning. I feel like I could have made it ok and I also promised Nancy that if I started feeling NOT up to the task I would just get off at the nearest exit, get something to eat and rest awhile and then just return home. But also in my dream was that someone would have had room for an old crippled guy in their boat but it doesn't seem to be any room available anywhere?

AND, to make matters even worse, I mentioned before that my lead dog Sandy had become ill and nobody can figure out just what's wrong with her.. This morning Nancy drove her to a Veterinarian Hospital that specializes in the field of Cancer, Lyme Disease, etc.. They only saw 'Sandy' today as a professional courtesy to Nancy otherwise the earliest appointment would have been next Thursday. The tests that came back so far reveal nothing wrong but a lot of others won't be available for a while..I'm hoping that we get a call tomorrow morning telling us to go and get her!!!!:wub: This is going to be a very long night waiting to hear something in the morning.. On one hand I want to be with y'all

fishing at Anna but on the other hand I just have to be here when they call to come pick Sandy up.. She's just got to be alright or I don't know what I'll do.

Uncle Billy

Hey Uncle Billy, we'll be praying for your furry family member to be A-ok! Amazing how easily our favorite pasttime takes a back seat when things like this come up.

Got Sandy in our prayers. Hope she is OK.

You got your priorities in check brother.

Our dogs become very much more than pets. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Sandy.
Can't say it any better than Greg did there, thoughts and prayers coming from here too.
Well, if I had to pick a day to miss, yesterday would have been it!! Just let us know when you feel up to going and we'll get a gang together. Most of us don't need much proding to get out. Good luck on the diagnosis for Sandy.


UB - what Tox said. We'll still make it out sometime soon! Good luck with Sandy.
Thanks to all of you so very, very much.:wub: I have been wanting to ask for prayers for Sandy but didn't know if it was correct or not..I've certainly been saying my share!

We were sure she would be able to come home today but when we called they informed us

she had a spiked fever again last night and they had to keep her. Nobody can figure out what's wrong with her and that's what is so upsetting.. So tomorrow morning, two of the

Doctor's at Nancy's hospital who always take care of Sandy, are going to drive to where Sandy is now and meet with some of specialists at this other hospital to compare notes

and hopefully come up with something <sure wish I had a prayer emoticon just now>.

Another thing that has killed me is that though there are visiting hours at this special hospital, nobody wants me to go see her.. They ALL think it would set her back to see me and then have me leave again. Realistically I have to agree..

Thanks for everything y'all!! It truly sounds silly but I don't know what I would do without that dog...

Uncle Billy :)
T & P's going out for Sandy....pets are family too!!! Hope everything turns out fine!:wub:


I have you still in my thoughts and prayers. It's far from "silly". I am sure this is scarrey for you... Keep us posted.