Satelite Dish Repair

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Teri C.

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
Someone from this board helped me last year with an issue I had with my satelite and I can't remember who it was. If you're out there, I need your help again.

I have 2 dishes, an eliptical dish at home and a round dish at my cabin. When I go to the cabin, I just take the receiver and card from home and use it at the cabin. It has worked fined until recently. I usually dialed it in using the System Setup function and it is usually Transponder 2 and once I do that everything is cool.

Now, I dial it in and then its ok for about 5 minutes and then it cuts out and says "Searching for Signal". I dial it in again and it does the same thing. It seems to be switching transponders all the time. I have tried resetting the card, unplugging it, etc. The only thing I can think of now is the cable. Do I need to replace that? The receiver works just fine at home.

I just found my man using a search. I didn't search the archives the first time.
I hear that this is the latest craze:

Finding a man on the web using a search....LOL

Make sure the trees around the place have not grown and gotten in the way of the dish?

snowboard, I bet she woudl rather do something a bit more painful then google ya hahahahahaahhahh