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Steve Gibson

Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2001
Reaction score
As most of you know my mother had been very ill for the last 6-7 months and even went through some good spells.She even got to come home for the 4th of July for 8 days then took a turn for the worst and went back in the hospital again.I'm very sad to say my mother passed away july 30 just a day before her birthday, she would have been 60 yrs. young. Sorry i have not posted anything sooner, just trying to get thru this difficult time, but i'm sure she is in a better place without all that suffering.On a good note, the day of the funeral my nephew said that she was in heaven teaching Elvis how to fish for catfish and he was teaching her hound dog... :} I also want to thank you for all the prayers sent... i believe that all those prayers helped to bring her home for the holiday for us to enjoy our last family gathering with her.She will be deeply missed.

Thanks again,

I'm so sorry to hear that Steve! Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

I really feel your pain..My mom was diagnosed again with cancer and is still undergoing radaition as we speak. You have my deepest sympathy and regards.

Sorry for your loss Steve, I know how hard it is to loose a parent.


I am so very sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you and yours.

Rich D
Sorry for your loss Steve. Mothers are hard to give up. My mom is in the last stages of Alzheimers. She doesn't know me but I sure know her. It's been one long goodbye. Ol' Elvis could probably use some pointers on cat fishin'.
Steve, I'm sorry for your loss. Best to you and your family.
Steve, please accept my deepest sympathies. I will say a prayer for your Mom and your family tonight.

Again, I'm so very sorry.

So sorry to hear about your mom. Mom's rock! and they can never be replaced in your heart. Keep your chin up and take time to heal.

Time eases the hurt but you never forget the great loss. Hang in there.

Da Bear
Sorry for your loss, Steve.

Your Mom's in a MUCH better place now!

Remember that she is still looking out for you. We miss them because they aren't there to see anymore, but they don't miss us because they are still around us whenever they want to be.


Sorry to hear of the loss of your mother.My heart goes out to you and your family.

Steve Rizza